This scheme was compiled by the
former residents of Krasilov, Mil'grom
(Abram) Itzkovich, b. 1924, Goltzfarb Yakov
Abramovich, b. 1918, and
Goltzfarb Dora Itzkovna, b. Mil'grom, 1920, from
memory, in 1993.
2. This scheme shows the central part of the Shtetl of Krasilov, mainly inhabited by Jews.
3. Streets, roads, and building, which can be seen on the scheme, had existed in this condition before the Nazis occupied Krasilov in July of 1941.
4. Each private house in the scheme is depicted as a box, which is marked inside with the surname, or the first name,
or nickname of the private house owners, or one of their children.
5. Some boxes-houses have no inscriptions inside: it means that the scheme's authors couldn't recollect the house owners' names.
6. It's possible that there are some minor discrepancies with location of some houses (buildings) and the names of their owners.
7. Synagogues and the Jewish praying homes, which may be seen in this scheme, existed until 1931-1935; later, they were all liquidated / demolished.
8. The Jewish school (#2) was turned to the Ukrainian school in 1940.
9. The Polish Catholic Cathedral was turned to the Movie theater.
10. That time, there were no names of the streets.
11. The main streets and roads were cobbled.
12. All (private?) houses were one-storied buildings.
13 All Jews were shot and murdered and almost all their houses were destroyed during WWII.
14. Jews' corpses were thrown down into three huge holes next to the village of Manevtsy.