The Jews of Kraków and its Surrounding Towns

Miodowa Cemetery Project - Photos Available!

We recently announced a project to computerize all the matzeivas (tombstones) in Kraków's Miodowa Street Cemetery. (Click here for details). Thanks to Lili Haber, this is now nearing completion and we are now able to offer the following service:

On 1 August 2003, Mr. B. Yaari (the compiler of the cemetery list) will be visiting Kraków together with a group of about one-hundred students from Israel's Gymnasia Hertzelia. They will try to take pictures of ALL the matzeivas! The images will be used to verify the computerized list and will, hopefully, be placed on the Kraków website at a later stage.

In the meantime, anyone who wishes to obtain a photo of a specific matzeiva need simply do the following:

  1. Contact Lili Haber and let her know what surname you are looking for. Also let her know what, if any, projects you have volunteered for in the past (see the reason below).
  2. Lili will then check to see if that name appears on the computerized list. If so, then the students will make a special effort to take a photo of that matzeiva. This shouldn't be too difficult since Mr. Yaari's list contains names PLUS the location of the matzeiva.
  3. The image will then be e-mailed to you.
  4. This service will cost $10 per image, but will be provided FREE to any researcher who volunteers or who has volunteered in the past. (Ah, the benefits of volunteering!).
  5. The money raised by this service will be used for further Kraków research, possibly even producing a book with all the images.


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