The Jews of Kraków and its Surrounding Towns

Kraków Jewish Reform Committee - 1870

The following is a list of members of the Kraków Jewish Reform Committee from the early 1870s. Some entries provide dates of birth and/or death, and many have professions as well. Most of the occupations are given in German as the English equivalent is uncertain (e.g., "Dr. iur" is probably "Doctor of Jurisprudence").

(Source: Hanna Kozinska-Witt, Die Krakauer Jüdische Reformgemeinde 1864-1874; Frankfurt am Main; New York: P. Lang, 1999, pages 77-78. New York Public Library call # *PXV (Cracow) 00-2754)

(Data provided by Ben Weinstock)

1. Able.
2. Benis, J.
3. Bienenfeld, Henryk <student>
4. Blatteis, Zygmunt (1840-1899) <Dr. iur>
5. Blatteis, Jakub (c.1833-1901) <Dr. Med.>
6. Blumenstock, Leon (1838-1897) <Dr. Med.>
7. Brinse, Izaak <Hausbesitzer>
8. Dankowicz, Simon (1840-1910) <Dr. phil.>
9. Eibenschutz, Artur Ascher (1830-1899) <Correspondent: "Neuzeit">
10. Eichhorn.
11. Epstein, Ferdinand.
12. Epstein, Julius (b.1839) <banker>
13. Feuerman, Bernard (1816-1879) <banker>
14. Fink, Jozue (1816-1878) <Rabinatsassesor>
15. Fiszer, josef (1840-1914) <Tempelintendent, Druckerei>
16. Geissler, Adolf (1827-1881) <Dr. iur.>
17. Geissler, Maurycy.
18. Gumplowicz, Abraham (1803-1876) <merchant>
19. Gumplowicz, Ludwik (1838-1909) <Dr. iur.>
20. Gumplowicz, Feliks (1837-1899) <Dr. iur.>
21. Herzog, Zygmunt Israel (1839-1913) <buchhandler>
22. Hochstim, M.W.
23. Horowitz, Leon (1844-1905) <Dr. iur.>
24. Judkiewcy, Joel David (1820-1877) <Holzhandler>
25. Jurowicz, Bernard (b.1843) <Ing.>
26. Kaufman, Michael (b.1842) <Dr. Med.>
27. Krautler, Ed. Moritz (b.1844) <Dr. Med.>
28. Kronengold, A.
29. Krzepicki, Maurycy (1811-1883) <Dr. iur.>
30. Landau, Ch.

31. Lustgarten, Ludwik (b.c.1838) <Dr. Med.>
32. Mendelsohn, Hirsz (1806-1879) <Banker>
33. Markusfeld, Henryk (1819-1890) <Grosshandler>
34. Mendelsberg, Albert (1828-1911) <Banker>
35. Munk, Meier <teacher>
36. Oettinger, Jozef  <D. Med.>
37. Ozerowicz.
38. Propper.
39. Rapoport, David (1814-1870)
40. Rapoport, Arnold (1840-1907) <Dr. iur.>
41. Rapoport, Jozef (b.1846) <Kaufman>
42. Rosenblatt, Jozef (1853-1917) <Dr. iur.>
43. Rosenzweig, Saul Henryk <Dr. Med.>
44. Samuelson, Szymon (1813-1881) <Dr. iur.>
45. Sare, Samuel (1817-1894) <Dr. Med.>
46. Schlesinger, J. (1845-1872) <Dr. Med.>
47. Schonberg, Wolf (1814-1884)
48. Schonborn, Jozef <Dr. iur.>
49. Silberman, L.
50. Silberstein, A.N. <Engineer>
51. Steuermark, Simon (b.1837) <Dr. Med.>
52. Szancer, Jakob (d.1887?) <Dr. Med.>
53. Szancer, Zygmunt (b.1854) <Banker>
54. Warsauer, J. (1820-1888) <Dr. Med.>
55. Wechsler, Salomon Nathan  <Banker>
56. Wechsler, Maurycy (b.1845) <Dr. Med.>
57. Wechsler, Abraham (b.c.1840) <Hausbesitzer>
58. Weber, Maurycy (d.1884)
59. Winkler, M.
60. Zanderer.


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