The Jews of Kraków and its Surrounding Towns


1929 Kraków Business Directory

Note: This data has been temporarily removed as it is being transferred to the main JewishGen site.

For the original directory in Polish go to:

In 1929, a directory was published which listed businesses in numerous cities of Poland. Almost 10,000 names - essentially Jewish - from the section dealing with Kraków have been extracted from the directory, and are now available in a searchable database.

As with most directories, the data contained in the Kraków Business Directory is sparse and usually abbreviated. Apart from block advertisements - which are scattered throughout the Directory - the data has been extracted exactly as it appears in the Directory. In other words, there is no additional data in the original Directory that cannot be accessed in this database.

A search of the database will return the following data fields:

(Directory procurement: Judie Goldstein. Data entry: Julian Schamroth.)


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