The Elders of Kolk, a little Jewish town in Volhynia, posing for
a photograph for the benefit of their Landsleit in the U.S.
Standing in the rear is an American resident who visited his
native town after an absence of years.
Published on page 22 of The Forward, February
17, 1935
1936/7: A photo taken in front of Kolki's "Talmud Torah" (Local Yeshiva). The photograph was taken during a visit of a distinguished American visitor, originating from Kolki. This visitor wears glasses, a light color coat and a stiff Borselling hat. Fifty distinguished Kolkers are shown in the photo, the young Rabbi inclusive (Reb Yakil Save, was probably gone then). It wasn’t easy convincing the Rabbi to "join the party", and he wouldn’t allow his picture to be taken. He only allowed his photo to be taken after the visitor told the Rabbi that he couldn’t collect money for the Talmud Torah amongst U.S. Jewry, unless he brings back a documented picture thereof.
Sitting, from right to left (first row):
Israel Sima, BenTzion Stavker, Leibl Perluk (he has a large family in Canada), Chaim Lerner, Yankl Zilberberg, Cov Buslik (lived and died in Israel), Alter Bar, Shloime Katzan, Avrum-Leib Zilberberg, Pinye Reznick (Borris Brick’s GP), Manye (Der Chazan) Lerner.
Standing, second row above seated persons (right to left):
Yiddle (Der Stoler) Koifman (2 children in Israel, his son who was a Doctor, already passed away), Shloime-Berl Starsiler (not a surname but a nickname due to his original village: Starsil), Avrum-yosl Michls (not a surname, Der Melamed). Manes (Der Shister & Der Melamed Shlayen, Israel Gornshtein (Yeshiva Bucher), Gerson-Yosef Mazur, his father: Shloime Mazur, Elyukim Mazur, Israel Kupiler (name of a village) Fel, Yosl Shmoish (he had Chatin hair).
Standing, third-upper row (right to left):
Sanye Egber (Der Stoler, has a son, Moshe Egber, who came to live
in Canada after WWII), 3 children (the lowest standing being the
sone of Gershon-Yosef Mazur), Berl Klitzman, Moshe Katz (has a
son, Monyek Katz, in the USA, while his brother, Chaim Katz,
passed away 1 to 2 years ago, their father, bought a larger house
in Lutzk and was killed by the Nazis), Berl Shneider, David Mazur
(Elyukim’s brother), Yiddl Gorbatch, Motl Apteiker (Der Blecher),
Chaim-Yosl Levin, Pinchas Stupak.
Copyright © 2004 Andrew Blumberg
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