
Sędziszów Landsmanshaftn and Congregations 


In the 1960s, the American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS) microfilmed the Jewish incorporation records for Landsmanshaftn and other town and country-related organizations incorporated in New York County the period from 1848-1920. These Landsmanshaftn provided social and economic services and support for their members. The following Sędziszów Landsmanshaftn [home town associations] are recorded in the microfilms: In the 1960s, the American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS) microfilmed the Jewish incorporation records for Landsmanshaftn and other town and country-related organizations incorporated in New York County the period from 1848-1920. These Landsmanshaftn provided social and economic services and support for their members. 

Cemetery Plots

New York Metropolitan Area Burial Society Plots: In 1989, the Jewish Genealogical Society, Inc. (New York) began an effort to identify the names and cemetery locations of all Jewish burial society plots in the New York metropolitan area. These include plots of landsmanshaftn, synagogues, family circles, fraternal organizations and labor unions. The following Sędziszów cemetery plots are listed: 


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