This website is dedicated to the memories of the Jewish men, women, and children of the Kolbuszowa Region.
For hundreds of years, a great number of small villages (shtetlach) and towns in the southeastern section of Poland were home to a thriving and vibrant Jewish community. Kolbuszowa, was a prime example of Jewish shtetl life in Poland before the war. By 1945 almost all traces of these peace-loving communities disappeared, their occupants murdered by the Nazis and their sympathizers.
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, most Jewish couples were introduced through arranged marriages or met at market fairs or Simchas. With travel limited to the horse and cart, marriages were often local affairs, with families hailing from the same or nearby towns or villages. There were also other considerations that made parts of families settle in a nearby shtetl. One example is that , often, while the first son went into his father's business, the other sons started the same business in a nearby shtetl. In keeping with these facts, KRRG was founded to research a whole area rather then an individual shtetl, and mostly concentrates on the towns and villages approximately 30 miles from Kolbuszowa.
The Holocaust cut short the lives of thousands of men, women and children who called this small section of Poland home. The public records attesting to their lives have all but been destroyed. Compiling what does remain -- aged memories, old photographs, stories, family documents -- and finding family links, is the purpose of KRRG.
Membership in KRRG:
Kolbuszowa Rzeszow Region Research Group membership is free and open to anyone with an interest in learning about Jewish life in this region. KRRG is an all-volunteer effort coordinated by Susana Leistner Bloch. Members contribute information that is freely shared with others. With over 400 members from around the world, including, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, UK, France, Israel, Poland, Switzerland, Uruguay and the US, KRRG is a truly international group of persons interested in exploring and understanding their ancestry and heritage.
Please contact Susana Leistner Bloch for membership information.
We gratefully acknowledge:
Gary Mokotoff and Sallyann Amdur Sack for the information on the variant names and the numbers for the Jewish population for the shtetlach included in KRRG.
Brian Lenius for the information on Judicial / Tax Districts and the help in finding obscure shtetlach.
Alexander Sharon for his help with shtetl coordinates, translation of Business Directories and general advise.
Stan and Joan Schmidt for their permission to use their translations of the Slownik Geograficzny entries on our web pages.
William F. Hoffman for his permission to use his translations of the Slownik Geograficzny entries on our web pages.
Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA) for their permission to use the translated Slownik Geograficzny entries on our web pages
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Web Master: Neil Emmer Graphics: Pete Dreifuss Coordinator: Susana Leistner Bloch Homepage maps: Michael Miller
Last updated: August 20, 2018
© Copyright 2018 Kolbuszowa Region Research Group.
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