Ivano Frankivsk, Ukraine
"Walk the Streets of Old Jewish Stanisławów!"
An Interactive Tour & Database


Susannah Juni created this database from the wealth of data and photos compiled during her personal genealogical research. The collection has thousands of records and took years to compile. The data, and the selection of pictures, is both idiosyncratic and happenstance, and covers a variety of years, generations, and sources. Some of the photos are recent, and some are old pre-war shots. No attempt is made here to try to link families together, but you can contact the provider of source material to try to find matches.

Accessing the Database

You can enter the collection of photographs and data of Stanisławów Jewish life any of three ways:

  1. Surname Search -   Search for family names, and then click to find the street address, with picture (if available). Then, scroll to see pictures of neighboring houses and shops. You can click below a house or shop to find the street on the town map. Then, click on an adjacent street to learn about life in the neighborhood.

Exact Spelling
Beginning alpha string
Mid or beginning alpha string
Beginning 1st letter

Enter Surname to Search for:

  1. Keyword Table  - click here to find information linked to a specific keyword.
  1. "Walk Through Old Jewish Stanisławów!" Click on the map sections below enlarge the area of town. Move your mouse over the street or plaza and click to obtain pictures and data about the life, mostly the Jewish life, of our ancestors. 

"Walk Through Old Jewish

The following detailed town plan was partly drawn from memory and donated to this project, by Joachim Nachbar. Originally, a hand drawn version of this map was created for Mr. Nachbar's book, "Endure, Defy and Remember" pub. 1977 (in the YIVO Library). Subsequently, Mr. Nachbar created the computerized version below.

 map section 1 map section 2 map section 3 map section 4
Area-1sm.GIF (2071 bytes) Area-2sm.GIF (3005 bytes) Stanislawow Map Area 3 Area-4sm.GIF (3719 bytes)
Area-5sm.GIF (2322 bytes) Area-6sm.GIF (2965 bytes) Area-7a.GIF (3518 bytes) Area-8sm.GIF (5206 bytes)

map section 6 map section 7 map section 8

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Webpage created, compiled and maintained by Susannah Juni until 2001; compiled and maintained by Suzanne Scheraga since 2013.
Webmasters: David Richter and Suzanne Scheraga; Webpage Design by Ron Miller and Suzanne Scheraga
Email Suzanne Scheraga or David Richter
Copyright © 2013 Suzanne Scheraga