
Gorlice Vital Records

Source: PSA/56/154/Gorlice. Special thanks to Jakub Czuprynski for record acquisition.
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NEUMANN, Mojzesz Hirsch, son of Nuchem Baruch and Ryfka MANDELBAUM, born 1887, Chrzanow

Benjamin SZAIRIA, son of Abraham and Ryfka SZUSLIN, born 1886, Chrzanow

Eidel, daughter of Abraham LANGSAM and Rechel Lea, born 1875, Gorlice

Malke, daughter of Moses Simche WEINFELD and Gittel GNIWISCH, born 21 August 1889, Gorlice

Scheindel, daughter of Leib STERN and Lea (daughter of Hersch and Sara STORCH), born 14 May 1880, Gorlice

Moses Leib, son of Chana SCHWAID (daughter of Aron and Lei SZWAID), born 1903, Gorlice

Baruch, son of Nehima MULLER (daughter of Naftali and Sare Chrul MULLER), born 22 September 1906, Gorlice

Naftali SOMER married Eidel LANGSAM, July 1907, Gorlice

Hersch Chaskel SCHONDORF (son of Ascher and Chaje Gittle SCHONDORF) and Ester Itel LESER (daughter of Beile Hendel LESER and Chiel PADOWER), 29 July 1911, Gorlice

Bernard IMMERGLUCK (son of Salamon and Gittle IMMERGLUCK) and Hinda FOLKMAN (daughter of Aron and Neche FOLKMAN), 1912, Gorlice

Schya ENGELHARD (son of Samuel ENGELHARD and Chane RUBENFELD) and Hendla GARFEIN (daughter of Mojzesz Jakob GARFEIN and Czize Chaje BORGEWICH), 1922, Gorlice

Majlech Lazar EHRENBERG (son of Izak EHRENBERG and Sare NATEL) and Ester EHRENBERG (daughter of Chajem Bendetta EHRENBERG and Hene Golde FUHRER), 1922, Gorlice

Baruch LANG (son of Jakob LANG and Mirle LIPCZER) and Ester TEPER (daughter of Mayer and Chaje TEPER), 1922, Gorlice

Hersch BRAUNFELD (son of Leiser BRAUNFELD and Gittel STERN) and Chana Zilke DURST (daughter of Elias Jakob DURST and Malke ROZNER), 1923, Gorlice

Baruch STENGEL (son of Natan STENGEL and Nechuma MULLER) and Sara Rywka BERL GOLDSCHMID (daughter of Abraham BERL GOLDSCHMID and Leja FRANT), 1932, Gorlice

Baruch ULMAN (son of Leiser ULMAN and Breindle LIPCZER) and Ester Rywka DIAMENT (daughter of Fischl DIAMENT and Henci AMSTER), 1920, Gorlice

Hersch Chaskel SCHONDORF, son of Ascher SCHONDORF and Chaja Gittel, born 14 September 1888

Jochanon REH born 1886, Biecz

Alter Leiser HOROWITZ (son of Aron), born 1879

Juda WEINFELD (son of Leib), born 1880


Compiled by Susan Kim

Copyright © 2025 Susan Kim

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