Gargzdai (Gorzd), Lithuania
A Visit to Gargzdai in 1923
In 1923, Dr. Henry Boruchoff (who had been born in Gargzdai) and his wife
Frances departed from the United States for a tour of Europe. An
excerpt from the diary kept by Frances:
Tuesday, September 4
....At four left for Memel. Yakob Falk accompanied us. Our visit in Kovna was most enjoyable
and always be remembered.
Wednesday, September 5
Arrived in Memel. Met a Gorsderka on train (She blew in at night)
At 11:00 A.M. called on Freedmans. A young man's political point of view of America. Had lunch with Cousin Falk. At two left in a "two-horse shay" for Gorst. Met the whole village
and saw the "Old Homestead." - my sweetheart's birthplace. Pretty
place. Evening returned to Memel. Dina Freedman, Annie Jaffee and Mr. Freedman called on us at Hotel. Went to Cabaret together.
Thursday, September 6
Left at noon for Konigsberg. Annie, Dina and Mary accompanied us to the station. Arrived in Konigsberg at 7 P.M. Evening at Hotel.
Friday, September 7
Afternoon sightseeing and visit to Schloss, home of the late Kaiserin in 1917. Evening was with Edie Sussman. We three went to see Prof. Steinach film on Gland Transplantation.
Saturday, September 8
Left for Danzig by boat. What waves on the Baltic Sea! Feeding the fishes the entire trip. Glad to see land. Arrived in Zoppot at 4 A.M. Evening visited the Borgs.
Original Photograph |
Modified with "unsharp mask" function in freeware graphics program |
In Gargzdai, they took a photograph of the house where Henry had lived. Information provided by Henry's brother Ralph Boruchoff places this home on the south side of the main street to Memel/Klaipeda, opposite the market place.
The postcard photo of the market may have been taken from an upper story window of this house. In addition, the house may be shown in a postcard photo in Gorzd Memorial Book (posted online by New York Public Library), p. 73 (Image 77). See house at far left.
Diary and original photograph provided courtesy of S. Arthur Boruchoff, M.D.
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Copyright © 2002 - 2006 John S. Jaffer