Table of Contents | Photos And Stories of Life in Frysztak | Genealogical Records | Families from Frysztak |
Up until 2019, Phyllis Kramer (OBM) developed and maintained this KahilaLink. Phyllis did a wonderful job documenting and sharing information about this shtetl. Starting in July 2021 Jeff Alexander is trying to fill Phyllis’ shoes. Please contact Jeff Alexander for anything related to this shtetl
Frysztak is a small shtetl located
near Strzyzow, Jaslo and Krosno, in southern Poland. The exact
coordinates are latitude 49° 50´ longitude 21° 37´.
Frysztak was in Galicia, an Imperial Province of Austria Hungary,
from 1776 to 1919. It was then returned to a newly re-created
The cities and towns surrounding Frysztak are (clockwise):
Rzeszow (23 miles NorthEast), Czudec
(13 miles NE), Strzyzow
(8 miles ENE), Niebylec (13 miles
East), Domaradz (15 miles E), Lutcza
(13 miles East), Korczyna
(12 miles SE), Krosno
(13 miles SE), Jedlicze (9 miles
South), Jaslo
(9 miles SW), Wielopole (8 miles North) and Wisniowa
(4 miles NE).
Each of those towns underlined above have a shtetl page which you can also visit. If you're looking for family, this is especially important, because in those days most Jewish marriages were arranged with Jews from a nearby town.
We've put this web page together in memory of those who lived and died in the shtetl, in order to describe to descendents what it was like to live in Frysztak.
Copyright © (2022) Jeffrey Alexander. All rights reserved.
The map on the right shows the area of southern Poland today with many of the area towns...each one circled has a shtetlinks page!
The Polish King, Casimir, "the Great"- established the city of Frysztak, near Krosno, in 1366. The city soon passed into the hands of the monks. The original inhabitants were German colonists. The city grew at a moderate pace but suffered terribly during the Swedish wars in the 17th century. Most of the German settlers and their descendants slowly left Frysztak. The economic stagnation of the city continued until the railway reached the city. Frysztak was deprived of its municipal status following WWI.
The first Jews appeared in Frysztak or Fristik (in
Yiddish) in the 15th or 16th century. The number of
Jews steadily increased as the German settlers left. By the 17th
century, the Jewish kehilla was already well established and
provided services to the members. The burial society registered
all deaths as of 1770 until the Shoa. The census of 1765
indicated that the kehilla had a membership of 97 families who
lived in Fristik and the surrounding area. At that time the Jews
comprised a majority of the population of the city. The
non-Jewish population lived on the outskirts of town or nearby villages. The administration of the
town was always in the hands of the Jews, even the Polish
government appointed Hersch Yaari as the head of the local
government. Frysztak had one pogrom in 1898 that the Austrians
severely suppressed. Jewish-Chrisatian relations remained calm
until WWII.
The economic situation of the Jews in Fristik was similar to the one in other Galician towns. Poverty was rampant throughout the village. No industry to speak of, few job opportunities and little hope. WWI totally pauperized the village. The American joint organization had to step in to help the local Jewish population. It also established a medical clinic and provided some vocational training for young Jews. Slowly the economic situation improved. The local Jewish population was known for its extreme piety and fought very hard against Zionist intrusion to the extent of burning the first modern Jewish library. The Halbershtam/Halberstam rabbinical family provided the rabbis for the village. The last rabbi of Fristik was Rabbi Haim Baruch Halbershtam who perished in the Shoa.
Frystik was the town where the famous hasidic rabbi, Menahem Menmdel of Rymanow held court for many years. (This history is continued in the Holocaust Section)
William Leibner September 17th,2000 , Jerusalem
The following appeared in the New York Times on June 7th, 1898:
Lemburg, Austrian Galicia, June 17-gangs of peasants yesterday attacked and plundered the Jewish shops at Frysztak, near Rzeszow, and wounded several Jews. The police fired on the mob, killing six of the rioters and wounding five more.
Nine persons were killed during the rioting. A general panic prevails, and troops have been hurried to the district, where other serious excesses have occurred.
The following was taken from the web site of the Polish Genealogical Society of Texas: It was adapted from Slownik Geograficzny, published around 1900 and translated by Michael Kurtin.
FRYSZTAK: with Glinik Dolny, Pulanki, and Twierdza, is a town in Jaslo county with an area of 1,558 morgs; 134 houses, 590 male inhabitants and 607 female, for a total of 1,197, of whom 416 are Roman Catholic and 779 Jewish. It is the site of the county court, a notary's office, a military police post, post office, deanery office covering 6 parish, and a parish office. The church is wooden, its date of construction unknown; it is dedicated to the Birth of The Blessed Virgin.
There is a 2-grade public school with three teachers, a match factory, production of grease and turpentine, a fair every other Thursday and particularly lively in spring, when many working horses and cattle are sold at it.
Frysztak lies on a hillock, at the feet of which the Wisloka flows by, and is on the county road from Rezeszow to Krosno. A second highway leads from Frysztak through Lubla and Sieklowka to Warzyce, where it joins the government highway leading to Jaslo. According to tradition Frysztak was founded as a German colony by King Kazimierz the Great and was originally named Frysztak (German Freistadi ['free city'].) Return to Table of Contents
The second contains the Synagogue, which
Tomasz said came from the Frysztak Library.
You can email Tomasz by clicking here.
The latest addition (january 2010) a photograph of Fryztak in
Return to Table of Contents
The 1891 Galician Business Directory contains only a few listings for Frysztak. They are:
The Business Directory of 1923 shows that Frysztak Jews were not illiterate farmers, but included many tradesmen and well-educated professionals.
FRYSZTAK - (in polish and french): Miasteczko, powiat Frysztak,
sad powiatowy Frysztak, sad okregowy Rzeszow, I 357 mieszkancow,
(picture of train) 1 km linja kolejowa Jaslo Rzeszow; urzad
miejski, 1 (picture of church) 2 synagogi, Szpital epidemiczny.
Stow, kupcow I Przemysl, stow. Rzemieslnikow. Targi: co tydzien
ogolne. Fabryki wyrobow cementowych.
Petite ville, distr. De Frysztak, trib. De distr Frysztak, trib.
D'arr-t Rzeszow, I 357 habit.
English: Small town, Frysztak county, county court headquarters,
district court Rzeszow population 357. 1 km. of railway:
Jaslo-Rzeszow. City hall 1 cathedral, 2 synagogues, hospital.
Merchants' association, craftsmen`s association. Market day:
weekly, all types of merchandise. Cement factory.
The following trades and tradesmen were listed, first in
Polish, and then in french; in addition, we have translated the
trades into English.
Durmistrz ( maire : mayor): Rom. Zasielski
Lekarze ( médecins : physicians): Czwal
Benj., Wilkt Natter
Akuszerki ( sages-femmes : medical midwives): L
Steinlauf, A Wasikiewicz
Adwokaci ( avocats : lawyers ): M. Kaczkowski
Agentury ( commissionaires en marchandises : Agent of
merchandise): H. Getzler
Apteki ( pharmacies : pharmacies): R.
Blacharze ( ferblantiers : tinsmiths): I.
Kern, P. Reich
Bielizna pracownie ( lingerie : underwear): B.
Goldfischer, M Korn , R. Wagner
Blawaty ( tissus : fabrics): L. Gast, S.
Neuman, I. Schmied, L Silber, I Steppel, R. Thaler
Budowlane materjaly ( matériaux de construction :construction
materials): T Puderbeitel, Iz Malz
Bydlo - Handel ( march. de bestiaux : cattle traders):
J Bein, M Bein
Cementowe wyroby fabriyki ( fabr. De produits en ciment :
cement products): W Dudek, I Malc
Drzeico ( bois : timber): Emglard Kosztur
Confectionary:E Hersberg
Galanterja ( merceries : clothing accessories):
Ader, J Stiel
Informacyjno-handiowe biura ( renseignements commercerciaux
: comercial resellers?): O Birnbaum L Stein
Jaja ( oeufs : eggs): S Neuman, I San
Kasy pozyczk.-oszczedn. ( caisses d`emprunt et d`épargne:
credit unions): Zaliczkowe, Sp. z o. o. - Ukrainska Kasa
Kredytowa, Sp. z o. o.
Kominiarskie przedsieb. ( entrepr. de ramonage :
chimneysweeps) : M Tyrlok.
Kooperatywy ( cooperat. :: cooperation): Kolko Rolnicze
Kamasznicky ( tiges p. chaussures : boot makers):
Diamant S.
Konie handel ( march. de chevaux : Horse trader): S.
Seiden, L Bigajer
Kowale ( forgerons : blacksmiths): F
Gornicki, H Kosztor, J Kosztor
Krawcy ( tailleurs : tailors): S Lat, F Seiden
Maszumu dp szucoa ( machines a coudre : sewing
machines?): Ch Rosengarten
Nabial ( cremiers : Cream makers?): A Bodner,
L Bruch, I Schenkel
Nafta ( petrols : oil ): "Zanger"
Nierogacizna Handel ( march. de porcs : Pig trader:
F Hefner
Obuwie ( chaussures : shoes): D Guzik, G Weiss
Piekarnie ( boulangers: bakers): I Grun, M
Oieje I smary ( huiles et graisses: ?): I
Zboze ( grains : grains): Priwler I. -
Schreiber L.
Roinicze nar zedzia ( instr. agricoles: farming school
?): J Low
Rozne towary ( art divers : miscellaneous merchandise):
S Baldinger, S Engelhardt, A Epsteiin, Ch Epstein,
Herbach, J Klotz, S Krieger, M Kurtz, Ch Lampin, F Nord, S
Nord, G Puderbeitel, M Puderbeitel, W Rieger, R Schiff, S
Schiff, M Schweid, W Sukc Silbermana, A Asmyka, R Struck, J
Teitelbaum, S Wilner, S Ziegler, N Galitz, Ch Fleischer, A
Siodlarze ( selliers : ?): D. Kandel
Skory ( cuirs : leather): T Blank, P
Engelhardt, J Gross, S Teitelbaum
Sol hurt ( sel en gros : wholesale salt?): J
Stolarze ( menuisiers : carpenters):
Szewcy ( cordonniers : shoemakers): I Last
Szklarze ( vitriers : glaziers): Steppel
Return to Table of Contents
Thanks to Stephen Morse's wonderful Ellis Island Front End,
where one can query the immigrants by town, I was able to
assemble a list of immigrants from Frysztak. It was
fascinating to observe the different spellings of the town and
the surnames.
Just as a reminder, Frysztak was part of the Austrian Empire (imperial crownland of Galicia) from 1776 to 1919; then it became part of Poland where it remains today. This might explain some of the different nationalities we find below. *You may wish to go directly to the manifest (see instructions below,) as depending on the year, the town may be the town of birth, or, more likely, the "last permanent residence".
1Apfelbaum, PersceFrysztak17 1890 1907
2Arcis...ewska, MaryaFrysztak, Austria31 1876 1907
3Arcisgewska, BoleslawFrysztak, Austria8 1899 1907
4Bar, JonasFrysztak43 1862 1905
5Berger Baqer, GoldeFrysztak, Austria17 1896 1913
6Berr, DeboreFrysztak17 1888 1905
7Bigajer, FeigaFrysztak22 1878 1900
8Bigayer, RebeccaFrysztak20 1878 1898
9Bisiewicz, MaryannaFrysztak20 1880 1900
10Biskup, JanFrysztak, Galicy45 1862 1907
11Blumenberg, Chane BeileFrysztak, Galician20 1892 1912
12Bodner, AbrahamFrysztak36 1868 1904
13Boron, StefanFrysztak, Galicia17 1893 1910
14Borun, AnseliaFrysztak41 1856 1897
15Bukowski, FrancFrysztak, Galicy16 1893 1909
16Cingot, TeslaFrysztak, Galicia18 1889 1907
17Czekajiwski, MieczyslawFrysztak, Galicia25 1882 1907
18Denholy, DwojreFrysztak, Austria12 1897 1909
19Denholy, JozefFrysztak, Austria48 1861 1909
20Denholy, SureFrysztak, Austria16 1893 1909
21Dick, SaraFrysztak, Poland18 1904 1922
22Dukiet, MaryaFrysztak14 1887 1901
23Engelhardtz, BinaFrysztak, Austria7 1906 1913
24Engelhardtz, ChaimFrysztak, Austria8 1905 1913
25Engelhardtz, DavidFrysztak, Austria6 1907 1913
26Engelhardtz, GitelFrysztak, Austria36 1877 1913
27Engelhardtz, MosesFrysztak, Austria11 1902 1913
28Engelhardtz, NatanFrysztak, Austria3 1910 1913
29Engelhardtz, ReiseFrysztak, Austria2 1911 1913
30Engelhardtz, TanbeFrysztak, Austria1 1912 1913
31Filip, KarolinaFrysztak, Galicia17 1890 1907
32Forgacz, ColdeFrysztak16 1883 1899
33Fraczek, MaryaFrysztak, Galicia2 1904 1906
34Fraczek, StanislawaFrysztak, Galicia1 1905 1906
35Fraczek, WiktoryaFrysztak, Galicia22 1884 1906
36Fredich, DavidFrysztak, Galizia, Austria20 1889 1909
37Gavurtz, LajeFrysztak, Galicia20 1892 1912
38Gerlach, MosesFrysztak29 1869 1898
39Gewurtz, HerschFrysztak, Austria11 1899 1910
40Gewurtz, IonasFrysztak29 1869 1898
41Gewurtz, SoholemFrysztak25 1873 1898
42Godek, PiotrFrysztak, Galicia24 1883 1907
43Godet, YanFrysztak24 1874 1898
44Gorka, FerdynandaFrysztak63 1838 1901
45Grab...ske, AntoninaFrysztak18 1883 1901
46Grochowska, JozefaFrysztak, Galicia10 1900 1910
47Gross, AnniFrysztak, Poland33 1887 1920
48Gross, JettaFrysztak, Poland10 1910 1920
49Janeruk, TeklaFrysztak, Austria46 1862 1908
50Jastrzebski, JakobFrysztak, Galicy35 1871 1906
51Jerosimske, RosaliaFrysztak52 1846 1898
52Kalisz, AnnaFrysztak14 1891 1905
53Karakura, MareinFrysztak, Galicy25 1883 1908
54Kazynowska, AntoniaFrysztak20 1880 1900
55Klotz, MarkusFrysztak, Austria32 1881 1913
56Kosiba, TeklaFrysztak19 1884 1903
57Kozik, KarolniaFrysztak, Galiey35 1871 1906
58Kozik, KelensFrysztak, Galiey7 1899 1906
59Kozik, MarysFrysztak, Galiey4 1902 1906
60Kozik, Wu...iolFrysztak, Galiey1 1905 1906
61Kulig, WojciechFrysztak, Galicia34 1879 1913
62Kurz, MalkeFrysztak, Austria28 1884 1912
63Laskowska, Bronisla.Frysztak20 1881 1901
64Leiser, IsakFrysztak27 1872 1899
65Lelzer, AbrahamFrysztak31 1867 1898
66Ljreli, MaryannaFrysztak20 1880 1900
67Lutak, MariaFrysztak36 1866 1902
68Machnicki, HenrykFrysztak, Galicia49 1861 1910
69Maciejowski, MichalFrysztak, Galicia41 1870 1911
70Malzejska, HelenaFrysztak, Galicia17 1890 1907
71Malzenski, StanislawFrysztak, Austria17 1896 1913
72Markowski, JanFrysztak, Galicy1 1905 1906
73Markowski, MaryannaFrysztak, Galicy7 1899 1906
74Musial, PeterFrysztak40 1858 1898
75Musial, YuliusFrysztak16 1882 1898
76Mussynski, KasimierzFrysztak, Austria18 1893 1911
77Neubart, MirlaFrysztak, Galicia17 1894 1911
78Neugabonen, BeilaFrysztak34 1867 1901
79Neugabonen, CeppuFrysztak1 1900 1901
80Neugabonen, EstherFrysztak6 1895 1901
81Neugabonen, MarjamFrysztak4 1897 1901
82Neugabonen, MerzscheFrysztak9 1892 1901
83Palac, MaryannaFrysztak4 1896 1900
84Papnga, BronislawaFrysztak, Galicia35 1878 1913
85Pelz, JanFrysztak, Galicia26 1881 1907
86Pentzer, MoischeFrysztak, Austria19 1891 1910
87Petko, CatlaFrysztak4 1894 1898
88Petko, MaryannaFrysztak 1898
89Petko, StanislaFrysztak25 1873 1898
90Petko, Wladysl.Frysztak6 1892 1898
91Podek, EleonoraFrysztak, Galicy18 1888 1906
92Porzaza, RomanFrysztak, Galicia9 1904 1913
93Potka, BronislawaFrysztak, Austria20 1889 1909
94Pytko, Stanisl.Frysztak, Austria20 1873 1893
95Rieurics, Jan MarasFrysztakfals, Austria24 1883 1907
96Romanska, EugeniaFrysztak4 1897 1901
97Romanska, JosefFrysztak2 1899 1901
98Romanska, KasmiraFrysztak9 1892 1901
99Romanska, KunigundeFrysztak30 1871 1901
100Romanska, MariaFrysztak6 1895 1901
101Samuel, AbrahamFrysztak15 1885 1900
102Samuel, ChaskelFrysztak36 1864 1900
103Samuel, IsakFrysztak29 1876 1905
104Samul, Isak HerschFrysztak25 1875 1900
105Schweit, SaraFrysztak. Galiz21 1889 1910
106Seer, DeboraFrysztak45 1860 1905
107Silber, DavidFrysztak31 1874 1905
108Silber, JosefFrysztak, Austria19 1892 1911
109Silber, Moses BerFrysztak, Galicy42 1864 1906
110Sitnik, AntoniFrysztak, Galicia26 1887 1913
111Smeka, WojtechFrysztak13 1885 1898
112Sroierad, SofiaFrysztak, Galiey19 1887 1906
113Stadnicki, JanFrysztak, Galicia27 1878 1905
114Stawiarska, ZuzannaFrysztak, Galicia18 1892 1910
115Stefanik, EdwardFrysztak1 1899 1900
116Stefanik, FrantiszekFrysztak, Austria22 1887 1909
117Stefanik, JuliaFrysztak, Galicia27 1885 1912
118Stefanik, KarolinaFrysztak, Galicia, Aust.17 1892 1909
119Stefanik, KatarzynaFrysztak24 1876 1900
120Stefanik, MaryaFrysztak, Galicia19 1893 1912
121Stein, Hermannfrysztak20 1879 1899
122Stein, HindaFrysztak, Poland24 1898 1922
123Steinmetz, WolfFrysztak18 1883 1901
124Stern, FeigeFrysztak16 1883 1899
125Swistak, JozefaFrysztak20 1883 1903
126Szarek, JulianFrysztak, Galicy14 1895 1909
127Szewczyk, JozefFrysztak, Galicia17 1888 1905
128Tepper, GizelaFrysztak, Galicia22 1885 1907
129Tepper, MalkeFrysztak, Galicia19 1888 1907
130Thaler, GitlaFrysztak, Poland22 1899 1921
131Tonzecke, KarolinaFrysztak17 1881 1898
132Tralka, FranciskaFrysztak15 1883 1898
133Tralka, JanFrysztak36 1862 1898
134Traum, PesselFrysztak20 1878 1898
135Wasserstein, MendelFrysztak, Poland13 1907 1920
136Wasserstein, RubinFrysztak, Poland11 1909 1920
137Wawazkowicz, JosefaFrysztak, Austria30 1878 1908
138Wawrzkiewicz, MaryaFrysztak, Galicia25 1885 1910
139Wawrzkiewicz, ZofiaFrysztak, Galicia1 1909 1910
140Wawszkowicz, PiotrFrysztak54 1851 1905
141Wawszkowicz, WladislawFrysztak, Austria28 1880 1908
142Wein, BreindelFrysztak, Poland22 1898 1920
143Weisman, BronkaFrysztak, Galicia19 1891 1910
144Wilker, ChielFrysztak, Austria26 1887 1913
145Wisnicwski, JanFrysztak, Galicy46 1862 1908
146Wisniswska, ElesnoraFrysztak, Austria45 1868 1913
147Wiszniowska, ApoloniaFrysztak35 1864 1899
148Wiszsnowski, JanFrysztak39 1862 1901
149Wuck, BlazyFrysztak34 1859 1893
150Zaczak, MaryaFrysztak40 1865 1905
151Zaiden, FaiwelFrysztak, Poland9 1911 1920
152Zaiden, JozefFrysztak, Poland8 1912 1920
153Zaiden, MalkeFrysztak, Poland29 1891 1920
154Zbylut, VictoriaFrysztak24 1874 1898
155Zdziebto, KlemensFrysztak, Austria28 1881 1909
156Zieba, KarolFrysztak, Galacia18 1893 1911
157Ziobeowski, SigmundFrysztak, Austria16 1893 1909
158Zurasz, UltadystawFrysztak, Austria17 1896 1913
You can easily do the query yourself and find the manifest. Use the Steve Morse’s query at . Here are the steps:
Do you have roots in Frysztak? Would you like to connect with others researching the same community? Go to the JewishGen Family Finder database. There are hundreds of thousands of names and towns being researched. You'll need to register first, but it's free, and it's please try it! Note down this address: or click here for the JewishGen Family Finder
Return to Table of ContentsAccording to Miriam Wiener's Routes to Roots Foundation website, the following records are available in European Archives today:
Another good resource is the JewishGen Community page with links to many databases (see table of contents). Return to Table of Contents
This photograph was taken in Frysztak around 1935; it
delightfully shows members of the Frysztak community.
Avram1 Apfelbaum, d. 1937 asthma
+Sara1 Mehr, d. 1934
Mordeche (Max) Stein was born March 18, 1897 in
Frysztak, Austria. He was one of six children born to Chaim
"Stein" and Malka (Miriam) "Maltz" Stein.
Max's siblings were Abraham (Abe), Genedel (Gerte), Leibush
(Lichu), Mendel, and Hinde.
In June of 1910 Abe Stein born 1893 arrived at Ellis Island
aboard the Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse . He established a dairy
business on Houston Street on New York's lower East Side. In
December of 1913, his sister Gerte born 1892 arrived on the
Kaiseren Auguste Victoria. She later married Irving Sturm. In
July of 1921 my Grandfather Max arrived in the US aboard the
Berengaria. He was 24 years of age and had $40 with him at the
time of his arrival. Max worked with his brother Abe for a few
years before setting off on his own share of the American dream.
The other siblings remained in Europe along with their mother
Miriam. Chiam Stein reportedly died when Max was a young boy,
circa 1905.
Miriam Maltz Stein's parents were Chiam Hersh Maltz and Frede
Pesel "Wallach" (Walach, Wallick, Wallish). Miriam Maltz Stein
was alive as late as 1932.
Miriam was one of 5 children born to Chaim Hersch Maltz born
1837. Reportedly a large land owner in Frysztak, upon his death
his son Israel (Izzy) took over the family business of building
supplies and lumber. Miriams siblings were Rivka , Reizel , and
Chaim Stein's parents are unknown at this time.
Max Stein married Rose Berkowitz in June of 1926. Rose
was from a Shtetl called Drohovo, Dragovo, Kovesliget , which
was part of the former Hungarian empire and today is part of the
Ukraine. Max and Rose had 3 daughters all"> R. Keith Lite
My name is Yonasan Shapiro and I live in Israel. I am searching Wolker/Volker from Frystak. My g-g-grandfather Yitzchok Hacohen Wolker had at least 3 siblings:
My name is Elli Epstein and I live in New Jersey. I would appreciate any information about the Neumann Family from other family members or landslite.
My mother, Chave Neumann, was born in Frystik. Two brothers,
Simcha Mayer and Shimon came to the U.S. before the war.
(The photograph below is the Neumann family with cousins; it was
taken in Frystik in 1937).
A sister Ita and brother Yankel remained in Frystik.
Below left is a photograph of Chave, Yankel, Elli and Ita
Neumann, Frystik 1937.
Below right is the wedding photograph of Ita Neumann and
David Findling, taken in Frystik shortly before the war.
My father Shimon Neumann was born in Kolaczyce, near Frystik. He was one of nine siblings. During World War I his family moved to Cologne (Koln) Germany where they remained until WW2. Only my father and later one brother, David, came to the U.S. Please click on my name to send me a message. Thankyou. Elli Epstein
Elli...I received the following note from Maria Brilliant in Israel. She wants to contact you. Please email her.
Dear Phyllis, My father was born in Frysztak. While looking at your site about Frysztak, I suddenly found the picture that Elli Epstein sent you of her family, in 1937 in Frysztak. And imagine my emotion at recognising my father on that picture, and one of his brothers (my uncle, still living in Paris). I never had any picture of my father nor of Frysztak from before the war. I went to Frysztak in 2005, but it was hard to feel connected... So I wrote to Elli Epstein, but her mail is not valid anymore. Could you please ask her somehow to get into touch with me ? Because she is family, being born Neumann from one niece of my grand-mother...Thank you very much for your help. My name is Maria Brilliant, and I live in Israel. Maria Brilliant
I am David Findling and my father, Fred Findling is a survivor. I have been trying to fill in more of his family tree but have struggled. My grandfather, David (Dawid) was born in Frysztak in 1901; he died in a group execution in a Polish field near Frysztak. My grandmother, Etla died at Auschwitz. My father became a refugee around age 8 and came to the U.S. at 10. I have searched on JewishGen, the multiple databases, the Galicia site, Ancestry and others.
My father is nearing the end of his life and I would love to
fill in his family tree for him. As with other survivors, my
father went back to Europe in
the 50s to find family. He was able to connect with his first
cousin (on his mother's side) Joe Kirchenstein and an uncle,
Charles Gordon (Chaskiel Gottesdiener), but noone from his
father's side. My brilliant sister, Debbie also searched in
Poland for answers. You can read about her search in the Detroit
Jewish News article, "A Path To The Heart"
I would grateful for any assistance or direction you can
Thank you David
In March 2008 I received this note from Edmund Janas: Dear Phyllis, my grandmother was Cecelia Dudek, wife of Walter Janas and they were both from Frystak. Could you please put a notice asking for information regarding her family there. She had a son who was killed on a bike by a German land mine. He was my father's half-brother, and we believe he had children. Cecelia went on to America. Thankyou.Edmund Janas
In January of 2015 I received this note from Russ Maurer: Hi
I just thought I'd pass along a couple of Frysztak connections
that have emerged as I have continued to research Maurer/Mahrer
ancestry in Jodlowa, which is about 20 miles to the west.
One Mahrer cousin, Zvi Naftali Mahrer, son of Moshe Mahrer and
Blima Gass, went to Frysztak (Kalembina) to marry a Beim girl.
Zvi Naftali's wife was Miriam Beim. Go ahead and put something
on the kehilalinks page. The girl may be from the family listed
as Bein in the 1923 business directory and in the list of
pre-war residents. Zvi Naftali and his wife had several
children, one of whom got to the US in 1935. I am in touch with
that one's daughter. The rest of the family didn't make it.
In the opposite direction, Fiszel Neubart from Frysztak (Huta
Gogolowka), son of Rubin Neubart and Lea Weintraub, went to
Jodlowa to marry another Mahrer cousin, Feiga, the daughter of
Szimon Mahrer and Rywka Siegfried. The marriage was in 1921, and
the couple went on to have 3 daughters. I don't know what
happened to the family in the war, but my assumption is they
perished. I did note a Mirla Neubart on the list of emigrants
that you posted on the shtetlinks page. I investigated, and she
turns out to be Fiszel's brother. Needless to say, I would love
to track down descendants, if there are any. If you happen to
know anything about her after her arrival in NY, that would be a
huge help since she is proving elusive so far.
All the best, and happy hunting! Thankyou.Russ Maurer
Lubla is a
shtetl/village located about 2 or 3 miles north of Frysztak. I
stopped in Lubla in August of 2013. My great uncle, Harry STEIN,
was born in Lubla, Septeber 17th, 1879 to Peron David Stein
(1849-1902) and Gertrude Brandt Stein (1850-1913).
Uncle Harry Stein went on to become a leading businessman in
Passaic, New Jersey. He was instrumental in the early motion
picture industry in Northern New Jersey; then a real estate
developer and at his death in 1952 the largest individual
taxpayer in the city.
The ten children born to Peron and Gertrude in Lubla were:
Jacob, Leon (1874-1961), Samuel, Bertha (1869-2929), Bernhardt,
Edward, Max Anna, Harry (1879-1952) and Lieb.
The photographs taken are at the abandoned Jewish cemetery
located on the western side of the road behind a group of small
stores. The cemetery is located on a slope and there is no care
or maintenance.
Howard Matson, Westport,
My grandmother is the daughter of Menachem Mendel Teper
(sometimes spelled Tepper) and Mindel Berger.
Menachem Mendel was born in 1901, he was the son of Yaakov and
Feiga (whose last name we would like to know). He was one of 14
Mindel was born in 1903 and was the daughter of Hendel Henna
Stein and Arye Leib Berger. She had a sister Gertrude and
brothers Nat, Benny, and Otto (I think).
Mindel had an aunt Rose who as far as I can tell (family history
changes a bit based on who you ask) sponsored Gertrude's ticket
to America. Gertrude worked in a sweatshop and saved to bring
each of her family members over from Frystak one at a time.
Mindel came over as an older teen as far as I can make out (I
can't find a record of herself travel) and became a seamstress.
Her mother came over in 1925 on the Caronia (I found her on
Ellis Island records) and worked selling curtains from a push
cart. When Mindel was 26 their family finances must have been a
bit better, because she went back to Frystak to find a religious
man to marry. Family story has it she remembered Mendel from her
neighborhood and went in the hopes of marrying him specifically.
He was hesitant based on the fact that he heard there is no
Shabbos in America. The Rabbi told him he should go for a
shidduch, clearly as he was 31 by the time they arrived in
America, he was not a young single anymore. He tried to persuade
his parents to immigrate too but they wouldn't as they were very
religious and didn't trust yiddishkeit in America either.
I found the record of Mendel Tepper in Ellis Island, and have
Mindel's passport that shows her travels, to confirm this story.
The Germans occupied the village on September 8th, 1939. A week later, the second day of Rosh Hashanah, they surrounded the synagogue, killed a few congregates, burned the holy scrolls and took some hostages that were shot on the road. The Germans soon created a Judenrat and a Jewish police force to enforce their policies which consisted of seizing Jews for hard work. Jews worked on the roads, railroads, on the foundation for the headquarters of the German Army in Stampina. The demand for labor was so great that Jews from Warsaw were braught to Frystik. The German company of "Askania" was the big employer and starved the Jewish workers. Many of them died in the typhoid epidemic of 1941. Then the Germans began to send the Jews to various labor camps in the area. The lot of the Jews was harder by the day. Starvation, disease and misery was their lot. Then the Gestapo of Jaslo shot 250 Jews in the forest near the village of Krajowica. Most of these Jews were from Fristik. The Gestapo then decided to close the ghetto of Fristik and sent all the Jews by trucks to the ghetto of Jaslo. This action lasted from August 16 to August 18, 1942. In the ghetto of Jaslo, the Jews of Fristik were immediately surrounded and shipped to the death camp of Belzec where they arrived on August 19 to August 20,1942. Some Jews were sent to the ghetto of Przemysl and Rzeszow where they shared the fate of the local Jews. 35 Jews were left in Fristik to clean the area of the ghetto and then were sent to the ghetto of Przemysl. The Germans and their local supporters searched constantly the area for hidden Jews that managed to escape their actions. Many were discovered and shot, as well as their protectors, some managed to survive and tell the story. Thus ceased to exist another established Jewish community in Galicia, Poland. May the memory of the Jewish community of Fristik be inscribed forever.
William Leibner September 17th,2000 , Jerusalem
(Source: Glówna Komisja Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce - Rada Ochrony Pomników Walki i Meczenstwa - Obozy hitlerowskie na ziemiach polskich 1939-1945, Warsaw 1979) (translated from Polish in April, 1998)
Frysztak Ghetto: Established in 1942, liquidated on Aug. 18, 1942. Inhabited by the Jew. population of Frysztak and by a few families of the III Reich. All together about 1,600 people. They worked in quarries and at the construction of roads. On July 3, 1942 850 people were taken to Warzyce, where they were probably shot. In August the remaining people were taken to Jaslo.