Ukrainian town
47° 58' / 37°
The town Yuzovka located in Ukraine was for a
long time center of coal
mining. One of the Soviet leaders Nikita Khruchshev used to work there as a
young man. In the old Russian Empire Yuzovka was part of Bachmut uyezd,
Yekaterinoslav gubernia. After Stalin came to power in new USSR many cities
were renamed in his favor (e.g. Stalingrad instead of Tsaritsin)
including Yuzovka which became Stalino. After Stalin's death and his ill
deeds exposed by Khrushchev those cities were renamed again. Stalingrad
became Volgograd and Stalino became Donetsk and center of Donetsk oblast' (region).Donetsk
is still center of Ukrainian coal mining and of heavy industrial
machine building. City population increased to about 1,000,000 people.
-Mark Grekin |
The Gurevich Family |
Sitting in the centre are Berel David GUREVICH and his wife Dvoira Mania. They lived in Yuzovka (now Donetsk), Yekaterinoslav Gubernia. Photo taken in 1905, and contributed by Eliana Aizim.
Surnames: Golosoff, Vozick, Sorkin and
Giller, Lisa - Donetsk site -
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