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Borshchagovka Pogrom Description - Sokolovsky’s Cossacks

Jewish Thought Journal, #16-17, September 1, 1919

Elias Tcherikover Private Collection, National Library of Israel

(Russian translation courtesy of Mike Vayser)


Sokolovsky himself appeared in the shtetl and imposed a tribute of 400 thousand rubles on the Jewish population. During the collection of the contribution, Sokolovsky's Cossacks went on a rampage, beating children and killing Jews in the most brutal way. Then all the Jews were driven into the synagogue. The Cossacks, who rode in on horseback, demanded 25 rifles and a machine gun from the Jews and then fired a volley at the congregation, killing 20 people. A few days later, Sokolovsky's gang returned to the shtetl and set it on fire from three sides.


An article on the pogrom in Borshchahivka// Jewish thought, N. 16-17, September 1.

Additional titles: Статья о погроме в Борщаговке//Эврейская мысл, No.16-17., 1.9., (р/к)

Remarks: handwritten

Articles, reports and eyewitness testimonies on pogroms in Adzhamka, Oleksandriya, Anan'iv, Balta, Bakhmach, Birzula, Borshchahivka,

Volodarka, Hermanivka, Hlukhiv, Grossulovo, Dzyhivka, Dzhuryn, Dubova, Yekaterinoslav (Dnipro) and Yelisavetgrad (Kropyvnytskyi)

Private Collection, Tcherikover (Tsherikover), Elias

Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People

System number: 990052905060205171


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