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Photo of the Borshchagovka survivors in Romania, with Fawel Zitomersky

Late 1920 or January, 1921

(photos courtesy of Ken Sitomer, Susan Ostroff)

List of people in the photo - only 19 have been identified:

4. Sam Olin

5. Dora Zaslow

6. Max Zaslow

13. Jack Olin

14. Moische Leib Matusenko (Morris Matos, husband of #39, Bahsie Zitomersky Matos)

19. Miriam Altman

23. Rose (Rybak) Zitomersky (wife of #24, Max Zitomersky)

24. Max (Mordechai) Zitomersky

26. Dave Altman

29. Nettie Spector

34. Fawel (Philip) Zitomersky

36. Ray Decoveny (mother of #37, Benjamin Decoveny)

37. Benjamin (Benny) Decoveny

38. Tabel (Decoveny) Axelrod (sister of #37, Benjamin Decoveny)

39. Bahsie (Zitomersky) Matos (wife of #14, Morris Matos)

40. Baruch Aron (Benjamin) Shapiro

41. Milke/Mollie (Weisberg) Shapiro (wife of #40, Baruch Aron)

45. Goldie Altman

54. Esther Altman

Marion Zitomersky, daughter of Max and Rose Zitomersky, is almost certainly in the group of children. She would have been about 6 years old.

Eve and Ida Decoveny are almost certainly in the group.


Created by Benjamin D. Zitomer

Copyright © 2024 Benjamin D. Zitomer



Exodus from Borshchagovka: Fawel Zitomersky’s Rescue Of More Than Fifty Survivors of the Pogroms

Yiddish Translation of the Letter Schloime Zitomersky Sent to His Brothers, Fawel and Joseph, in Brooklyn, NY

Fawel Zitomersky’s Passport Application File

Photo of Fawel Zitomersky honored by the Burshivker Relief Committee in Kishinev, Romania, September 3, 1921

Inscription on the pillar at the entrance to the  Burshivka Society section in the Mount Lebanon Cemetery  in Queens, NY

Benjamin (Benny) Decoveny’s Passport Application File

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