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Document from Moshko (Morris) Berlind to the Russian Consulate

Permitting His Family to Leave Borshchagovka and Travel Abroad

January 4, 1913

(Document provided by Gary Berlind; Russian translation courtesy of Irene Peltzer)

Moshko Chaimovich Berlyand (Morris Berlind) had already been in America for three years when he submitted a notarized document to the Russian consulate in New York, permitting his family in Borshchagovka to obtain a passport and travel abroad. Six months later, his wife, Chana (née Zitomersky), and their children Bagisheva (Batsheva/Clara), Chaim (Hy), and Esther-Leya (Betty) departed Liverpool, joining him in New York on July 5, 1913.

Below are a copy of the document and its Russian translation:



His Excellency Mr. Governor.


Based on the 2nd article of the Regulations on residence permits in the Russian Empire, the undersigned hereby authorize my wife Channa Volkovna Berlyand with my children Bagisheva 16 years old, Chaim 9 years old and Esther-Leya 3 years old - from the Berlyand family to receive for themselves and the said children, from where it will follow, a separate residence permit within the Russian Empire, for the period of time required, and also receive from Mr. Governor for yourself and the said children a foreign passport for traveling abroad, which I sign New York on January 4, 1913. Skvirsky district Borshchagovsky townsman of the Kyiv Gubernia. The legal husband of the above mentioned Moshko Berlyand, that is, in the American United States, the city, county and state of New York This January 4, 1913, the unknown Moshko Chaimovich Berlyand personally came to my office, proving his identity in a satisfactory manner and in my presence signed with his own hand this statement that with my signature I certify with the form attached. Notary /signature/ Nº7692 The Russian-Imperial General Consulate hereby certifies, with the application of the government seal, the authenticity of the signature of Notary V.P. Polevoy, as well as the fact that this document was drawn up in accordance with the local laws of New York on December 22, 1912 / January 4, 1913 /M.P./

For the Consul General /signature/


Berlyand, a townswoman, lives in the town of Borshchagovka, Skvirsky district. When I compared this copy with the original, the latter contained erasures, crossed out words and no peculiarities, except for the cleaned up spelling of “sheva”, the corrected “skvirsky” and the inscribed “county” and “Borshchagovsky” - which was not properly specified. The original is paid with stamp duty of one ruble twenty-five kopecks. This copy is in accordance with 1 pl. 14 art. of statute of the stamp duty, paid in 75 kopecks, May 3rd 1913. By registry Nº1049. In this copy, on page 1, “Kievsky” is crossed out, corrected by “children” and “myself” and “not” is added, and on page 2, “signature” is crossed out, “Polevoy” is written, “as well as”, “according to” and “1913 .”, added “for” and corrected “general” and in the certificate corrected “written”.

Notary V Leontyev.


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