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Berlind Family Photos - Moishe (Morris) Berlind and Anna/Chana (Zitomersky) Berlind Branch

(Photos courtesy of Allan Berlind, Gary Berlind, and Susan Dorfman Block)

Chana (Zitomersky) Berlind, Hy Berlind, Chaika (Clara) Berlind - Russia

Chana (Zitomersky) Berlind and Moishe (Morris) Berlind

Chana (Zitomersky) Berlind and Moishe (Morris) Berlind - 50th Wedding Anniversary

Chana (Zitomersky) Berlind - Russia

Chana (Zitomersky) Berlind

Clara (Chaika) Berlind & Benjamin Chervin(sky) Wedding, October 16, 1915 - Brooklyn, New York

Left to right: Chaie Tsina (Berlind) Kuperwarg (half-sister of Moishe), Benjamin Chervin (groom), Clara Berlind (bride), Betty Berlind (Clara's sister), Moishe Berlind (Clara’s father),

Chana (Zitomersky) Berlind (Clara’s mother), Hy Berlind (brother)

Clara (Chaika) Berlind & Benjamin Chervin(sky) Wedding, October 16, 1915 - Brooklyn, New York

Left to right: Chaie Tsina (Berlind) Kuperwarg (half-sister of Moishe), Benjamin Chervin (groom), Clara Berlind (bride), Betty Berlind (Clara's sister), Moishe Berlind (Clara’s father),

Chana (Zitomersky) Berlind (Clara’s mother), Hy Berlind (brother)

Eva Chervin & Arthur Odwak Wedding, March 27, 1937 - Brooklyn, New York

Back row:

Hy Berlind (Eva’s uncle), Dorothy Berlind (Hy’s wife), Betty Berlind (Eva’s aunt), Willie Chervin (Eva’s brother)

Front row:

Benjamin Chervin (Eva’s father), Clara (Berlind) Chervin (Eva’s mother), Eva Chervin (bride), Arthur Odwack (groom), Chana (Zitomersky) Berlind (Eva’s grandmother),

Moishe Berlind (Eva’s grandfather)


Hy Berlind, father of Gary Berlind (1903-1984)


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