C E R T I F I C A T E  O F  I N C O R P O R A T I O N

of the



(Burshivker is the name of a city in Russia)




WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, of full age, being desired of associating ourselves together for the purpose of mutual assistance and fellowship, as hereinafter is more particularly described, pursuant to and in conformity with acts of the Legislature of the State of New York, relating to membership Corporations, do hereby certify and declare that we are all of full age, two-thirds of us are citizens of the United States and all of us are residents of the State of New York.

We do further certify and declare as follows:

First: That the particular objects or which said Corporation is formed are as follows: To further mutual fellowship and friendship between the members of our society and to aid and assist one another in case of emergency and distress. This assistance is to be rendered voluntary and in a benevolent way according to the means of the society and the circumstances of each case.

Second: That the corporate name by which said corporation hereby to be formed shall be known and distinguished shall be THE FIRST BURSHIVKER SICK AND BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. (Burshivka being the name of our native City in Russia.)

Third: That the territory in which the operations of said Corporation are to be principally conducted is the City of New York.

Fourth: That the principal office of said corporation shall be located in the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, County of New York and State of New York.

Fifth: That the number of Directors of said Corporation shall be ten.

Sixth: That the names and places of the person to be directors of said Corporation until its first annual meeting are:

NAMES                                            PLACES OF RESIDENCE

Elie Singer,                                        149 Suffolk St NY

Sam Edelman,                                   620 E 5th St NY

Morris Orenstein,                              95 Goerck St NY

Morris Schwartz,                               445 E 4th St NY

Aaron Melsky,                                   78 Ridge St NY

Sam Shendelman,                             156 Suffolk St NY

Sam (Samuel) Davidson,                  104 Second Ave NY

Joseph Davidson,                              76 Avenue B NY

Joseph Shupack,                                350 E. 4th St NY

Wolf Hamernick,                               95 Siegal St Brooklyn NY

Seventh: That the annual meeting of said Corporation shall be held on the 15th day of January, in each and every year.

Eighth: That no previous application for incorporating has heretofore been made.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have made and signed this Certificate in duplicate and have hereunto set our hands and affixed our respective seals this 4th day of November, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seven.


Created by Benjamin D. Zitomer

Copyright © 2024 Benjamin D. Zitomer



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