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My Binenbaum Ancestors

By Larry Binenbaum Schenker

note: This article was originally published in 2008 at http://akkerman-russian-empire.blogspot.fr. Larry Binenbaum passed away in 2013.

I am researching my possible ancestors around the world.

Although my Surname today is Schenker, my father and grandfather were born as BINENBAUM in Brest-Litovsk, Russian Empire.

It is my belief that this Surname has a German origin.

Back in 1911 when my grandfather and father emigrated from Brest-Litovsk, Russian Empire (later Brzesc nad Bugiem, Poland and today Brest, Belarus), we had relatives that were living in many cities of Europe. Some of my relatives survived the holocaust and migrated to other countries of the world. Some might have modified the spelling of their Surname.

I am searching for anyone with the Surname of BINENBAUM, BIENENBAUM, BINENBOYM or BINENBOJM or any derivation of this Surname.

I know that there were some of my ancestors who were born, died, married or emigrated from Akkerman. Below is a list of my known Binenbaum ancestors from Akkerman:

  • Binenbaum, Uknown - Listed in a director on page 1965.

  • Benenboym, Peysakh - Died in 1906. Patronym was Leyb.

  • Benenboym, Khava - Information from Yad Vashem. He was the father to Doba, Jakow and Tzwi and the husband to Pesakh. No additional information is known.

  • Benenboym, Pesakh - Information from Yad Vashem. She was the mother to Doba, Jakow and Tzwi and the wife to Khava. She gave birth to Jakow in 1895. No additional information is known.

  • Binenbaum, Doba - Information from Yad Vashem. She was born in Akerman in 1918 to Pesakh and Khava. She was single in 1942. Prior to WWII she lived in Akerman, Romania. During the war she was in Akerman, Romania. Doba perished in 1942, at the age of 24, in Akerman, Romania. This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted on 25 November 1956 by her brother – Nekhemia Binenbaum.

  • Binenbaum, Jakow (Yaakov) - Information from Yad Vashem. He was born in Akerman in 1895 to Pesakh and Khava. He was a merchant and married to Katerina (Katia). Prior to WWII he lived in Akerman, Romania. During the war he was in Akerman, Romania. Jakow perished in 1942, at the age of 47, in Akerman, Romania. This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted on 25 November 1956 by his brother – Nekhemia Binenbaum.

  • Tzvi (Cwi) Binenbaum - Information from Yad Vashem. He was born in Akerman in 1897 to Pesakh and Khava. He was a merchant and married to Shlima. Prior to WWII he lived in Akerman, Romania. During the war he was in Akerman, Romania. Tzvi perished in 1942, at the age of 45, in Akerman, Romania. This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted on 25 November 1956 by his brother – Nekhemia Binenbaum.

  • Szlima (Shlima) Binenbaum - Information from Yad Vashem. She was born in Akerman in 1899. She was a housewife and married to Tzvi. Prior to WWII she lived in Akerman, Romania. During the war she was in Akerman, Romania. Szlima perished in 1942, at the age of 43, in Akerman, Romania. This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted on 25 November 1956 by her brother-in-law – Nekhemia Binenabum.

  • Ester Binenbaum - Information from Yad Vashem. He was born in Akerman in 1910 to Pesakh and Khava. She was single in 1942. Prior to WWII she lived in Akerman, Romania. During the war she was in Akerman, Romania. Ester perished in 1942, at the age of 32, in Akerman, Romania. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 25 November 1956 by her brother – Nekhemia Binenbaum.

  • Lyonya Binenboim - Information from Yad Vashem. He was born in Akkerman in 1929 to Volodia. He was a pupil and single in 1942. Prior to WWII he lived in Akkerman, Romania. During the war he was in Odessa, Ukraine (USSR). Lyonya perished in 1942, at the age of 13, in Odessa, Ukraine (USSR). This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted on 15 April 1999 by his friend, a Shoah survivor – Semyou Glikman (Fikman).

  • Izya Binenboim - Information from Yad Vashem. He was born in Akkerman to Volodya. He was an employee and a teenager. Prior to WWII he lived in Akkerman, Romania. During the war he was in Akkerman, Romania. Izya perished in 1941, at the age of 16, in Akkerman, Romania. This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted on 17 May 2006 by his parents' acquaintance – Semyou Glikman (Fikman).

  • Volodya - Information from Yad Vashem. He was the father to Lyonya and Izya. No additional information is known.

According to Alexander Beider's book "A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from the Russian Empire" that was published in 1993 the above Surnames when translated mean either "bee tree" or "bee hive":
"Binenbaum A; Bienenbaum (German) bee tree (bee hive) (Binenbojm)"
"Binenbojm (Khotin, Rovno) A: binenboym (Yiddish) See Binenbaum"

Some of the other possible variations of the BINENBAUM Surname could be as listed below.
The below Surnames might also have any of the below endings:
….baym, ….boim, ….bojm, ….boym, ….bozhm
….bayn, ….boin, ….bojn, ….boyn, ….bozhn
….bayrm, ….boirm, ….bojrm, ….boyrm, ….bozhrm
….bayrn, ….boirn, ….bojrn, ….boyrn, ….bozhrn

Baiembaum, Bamembaum, Banembaum, Bannembaum, Beiembaum, Bemembaum, Benembaum, Benenbaum, Bienembaum, Bienenbaum, Binbaum, Binbaun, Binbom, Binbon, Binebam, Bineban, Binebaum, Binebom, Binebon, Binem, Binembaum, Bineme, Binen, Binenbaum, Binene, Binnbaum

Fainenbaum, Fajnenbaum, Fanenbaum, Fenembaum, Fenenbaum, Fomembaum, Fomenbaum

Penembaum, Penenbaum, Pinembaum, Pinenbaum

Tanenbaum, Tejenbaum, Tzanenbaum

Wainembaum, Wajnembaum, Wajnenbaum, Wanembaum, Wanenbaum

I would like to thank you in advance for any help that you can offer to me.

My e-mail address is binenbaum@earthlink.net

Larry BINENBAUM (Schenker)
Los Angeles, California, United States of America
E-mail: binenbaum@earthlink.net

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