Beckum Jewish Cemetery and Other Memorials

















































The mazeva  of Alex Falk






List of Beckum Jews

who perished in the Holocaust






WW1 Memorial at the Westteich


The names of these three Beckum Jews are inscribed in the Memorial:

Julius Heine

Hermann Lichtenfels

Burghardt Löwenstern  He had been the teacher

at the Jewish Elementary School of Beckum at outbreak of WW1.

It is noteworthy that these names were not  removed during the years of the Nazi regime.



Holocaust Memorial at Westtor


Designed by sculptor H. Bücker

Consecrated on 9 November 1975,

in the presence of Landesrabbiner Emil Davidovic.


Photo: From Hugo Krick's book 





Stolpersteine (Memorial Plaques)


The term Stolperstein actually means a "stumbling block".  The idea is to install small brass plates in front of houses from where people were deported during the Nazi period.  The initiative relates to Jews, as well as to other groups of people that were persecuted by the National-Socialist regime.  Such plaques have been placed in more than two hundred German towns. 


About thirty such plaques are due to be placed in Beckum.  The picture here, shows the two plaques outside Nordstrasse 8 in Beckum.  They recall Louis und Therese Rose who lived in this building until their deportation to Theresienstadt in 1942.  They were the last members of the Beckum Jewish Community.


Based on material received from the Mayor's Office in Beckum, a list has been prepared of Stolpersteine  that have been placed in Beckum, or are due to be placed.  To view the List Click here


Map of Cemetery Site and List of Graves.  In 1985 a group of students of the Albertus - Magnus Gymnasium prepared a map of the Beckum Jewish cemetery, and a list of graves.   The material may be viewed on request at the Beckum Town Museum.  Apply to: 

Stadtmuseum Beckum
Herrn Dr. Martin Gesing
Markt 1
59 269 Beckum

The following entry for the Beckum Jewish Cemetery is taken from ALEMANNIA JUDAICA at

Stadt Beckum, Kreis Warendorf
ADRESSE: Am Ostwall, Judenwall, Parkplatz "Osttorknoten"
BELEGUNGSZEIT: weit vor 1785 - 1937
- ca. 1975 - 2000 durch Denkmalamt (Fotos)
- 1985 durch Magnus - Gymnasium (Abschriften, Lageplan)
- 2001 durch Mike Redel (Abschrift: deutsche Inschriften)

- Geschichte in Smieszchala: 1985, S. 27 -30.
- Geschichte in Beckum 1986 S. 70 - 76.
- Geschichte in Westfalen-Lippe 1987, S. 140.
- Geschichtei in Beckum 1991, S. 7.
In der Reichspogromnacht wurde der Friedhof verwüstet und viele Grabsteine zerschlagen. Krick vermutet in Beckum 1986, dass noch einige Steine in der Erde des alten Stadtwalls liegen.

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