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Letter from M[oishe] Roth
Herziliya, Nevey Amal, Borochow 25,

To: Harry Sprung
1611 Quentin Road
Brooklyn, New York USA

Translated from the Yiddish by Hersh Leib Gefen.

Dear Cousin,
Forgive me for not immediately answering your letter. I had become chilled and was bedridden. Afterwards, I was busy with yom tov. Thank G-d it’s already passed. We should be alive until next year with health and parnosa.

We should merit quiet times without any wars. Also [missing] all should be the best. You should be well [missing] should see you again in health in Israel. My son was with me for yom tov with his wife and two small boys. Now they have already left. He works in Jerusalem, therefore he must live there. They are only missing money for a home. (Then) all would be good. What do you hear from Flanzer daughter? Also from the cousin Hertling? I have not heard from anyone in a long time.

If it were possible to send me a package with things for myself and my wife and also for small children 2-3 years old it would be very useful to us. Here now everything is very expensive. I thank you very much in advance for everything. Regards from my wife and son and daughter-in-law. Heartfelt regards to the whole family.

I want to hear from you, all the best.
  Moshe Roth

Dated April 21, 1971