Bauska, Latvia
Alternate names: Bauska [Latv], Bausk [Rus], Bauske [Ger], Boisk [Yid], Bauske [Lith], Bowsk [Pol], Bosko, Bausken, Boysk 56°24' N, 24°11' E

General Information

Bauska 1912

Data for 1912 were translated from the 1912 Baltische Verkehrs- und Adressbuch for Bauska and is a section of the Courland Directories.

REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION to Annenburg, from there to Mitau with a steam vessel on the Aa River, three times a day. Operators: J. Wulfsohn and B. Jakobshohn.

HOTELS AND GUESTHOUSES: Hotel Berlin by the Market, owner B. Lohding; Hotel Kurland, Schloss Street, owner F. Drenger; Hotel Petersburg by the Market, owner B. Lohding; Hotel Riga, Schloss Street, owner U. Meyer. Points of entry are at each hotel, one by the post office, another one by the market.

POST OFFICE AND TELEGRAPH OFFICE. Muhlenstreet, Haus Drenger. Open weekdays 9-2 and 5-7, holidays 9-11 am.

TELEPHONE: Belongs to the Mittelfurt district, since 1909, central office in the city hall, 150 connections, yearly 20 rubels. Connections to Mitau, Schoenberg, Grenathal and Mesothen. A call to Mitau costs 10 Kopecks. Technical head: Rob. Fechner.

NEWSPAPERS: Two classified leaflets, 2 times a week, free. Producers: Jankelowitz and Dreilatzki.

CONCERT HALLS: In the Hotel Petersburg and in the Hotel Kurland.

BATH HOUSES: For the general public on Muhlenstreet. Owner is Berghoz. Jewish bath house on Mulenstreet.

HORSE CARRIAGE DRIVER: R. Kasimir, Bergstreet., owned by J. Wulfsohn and B. Jakobsohn of Diligence-Verkehr.

POSTAL SERVICE: Via horses, owner H. Beckman.

FIRE DEPARTMENTS: City watermill at the apothecary of Senberth and von Thiermann, Gerberei Eckert, Watermill Hofschowitz.

FAIRGROUNDS: The last Wednesday and Thursday in January, cattle and horse market. On Tuesday and Wednesday of the first week the big market. On Wednesday and Thursday before 23 April cattle and horse market. One month after Michaeli, the so-called Franziszi market, which lasts five days, Flea market.

WEEKLY MARKET: Tuesdays and Fridays. Concession fee 5 Kopecks.

CASTLE GARDENS: ½ Werft past the city limits, with a pub and bandstand. The gardens on the south side of the castle ruins were cultivated and are maintained by the city since 1860.

PLACES TO GO: Bornsmuende and Jungfernhof on the Aa, each about 6 Werft from the city.

POINTS OF INTEREST: The castle ruins and the big rock at the Russian pastor's home, on which Peter the Great is said to have had breakfast.