Usov, Czech Republic
Alternate names: Mahrisch-Aussee or Aussee 49°48' N 17°01' E

Genealogical Resources

Although many of the archival records from Northern Moravia were destroyed during WWII, some records from Usov can be found in the Jewish Museum in Prague and in the District Archives in Janovice near Rymarov. For example, the author of this GemeindeView has, through the work of a paid researcher, obtained from documents at those 2 locations information about her Lowy ancestors and a considerable number of (related?) individuals with the Lowy surname living in Usov in the later 1700s and 1800s. The types of records from which this information was gathered included: birth, marriage, death, tax, burial and property records. It is hoped that this section on Genealogical Resources will be expanded at a future time with details about what archival records are available.