Postcard to Zbaraz during WW2

Registered postcard from Stockholm, Sweden postmarked January 9, 1943. The card is from Sylvia Loewy (the German spelling for Levi) at the Hotel Excelsior in Stockholm and is addressed to Fritz Loewy, from Oslo, Norway, at Zbaraz Tarnopol Outskirts. The card bears chemical censor markings, numerator marking and a Zbaraz receiving postmark dated January 20, 1943. In October and November, 1942, the Jews of Oslo were rounded up by the Nazis and Norwegian police. All those captured were sent on three ships to Stettin. Apparently, Fritz was transferred to Zbaraz. It appears that Sylvia was able to escape from Norway to Stockholm. The message states "Dear Fritz, I like it here in Stockholm... I hope you are healthy... Maybe I will get a letter from you once... with greetings and kisses, Sylvia who loves you...".

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