Jewish Rozalimas - Vu zol ikh geyn? part 2

I understood that in the period after 1930 and before 1941 the Jewish families integrated to some extent, with the other families of Rozalimas. They participated in the firemen-brigade, they joined the football-players, they were members of the district-council.  In this period the forest of Rozalimas was the preferred spot
for Jewish families to spend holidays who lived in towns and villages around Rozalimas. During the summer they travelled to Rozalimas to stay in the houses of the local people. For the latter this was not a problem at all, because they could live either in their barns or in their summer accommodations. In this way the local people of Rozalimas earned some extra money which they could use very well. The Jewish families paid for their lodgings.  In the forest one could pick berries, relax and play. There even was a dancing-square. There were a lot of benches to rest on. Olius and some other boys of Rozalimas earned some pocket money by bringing hammocks to the Jewish tourists in the morning and by taking them back to Rozalimas in the evening. The Jewish tourists paid them for their services.

Eventually, the situation for the Lithuanian Jews became unspeakably bad, on 23 June 1941 the German-Nazi army entered Lithuania, very soon followed by the so-called Einsatzgruppen whose only task was to exterminate as many Jews as possible.

They entered Rozalimas, searched for the local communists and shot them. One of them was the Jewish man Simse Machatas. Almost immediately after the killing they split up the Jewish families. They separated the men from their wives and children.

The men had to do hard labour for one or two days, then they were put on carts and transported to Pakruojis, Morkakalnis, where they were shot by the Germans and by the local collaborators  on 28-7-1941. A week later (4-8-1941) the Jewish women and children were shot at Morkakalnis.

The women and children of the neigbouring village of Klovainiai were shot on the same day (4-8-1941) at Morkakalnis. Five Jewish men from Klovainiai were shot by Lithuanians in the forest of Rozalimas on the road from Rozalimas to Pakruojis in the beginning of August (before 4-8-1941). Only one member of the Jewish community of Klovainiai survived, her name was Ziske (Zyske) Dermeikaite. She emigrated to South-Africa in 1936.

There were only three survivors from the Jewish community of Rozalimas. They didn’t emigrate, but they were able to escape from the devil and his helpers. Their names were: Malke Klovanskis (Klovanskaite), Joskis Machatas and Kafke Lapida.

Within a very short period of time the Jewish communities of Rozalimas and Klovainiai were wiped off the face of the earth.

Copyright © 2004 Dora Boom

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