Some Czernowitz Holdings at the Yad Vashem Archives

(We thank Marc Goldberger of Rehovot, Israel, for supplying the following information.)


Yad Vashem Archival Holdings

Microfilm numbers: JM 11290 - (till microfilm number) JM 11349. The data come from the archives of city of Czernowitz. To the best of my knowledge, the data can be classified as

  1. Administrative correspondence between Czernowitz officials and Bucharest.
  2. Community data ( how much gold and money was confiscated from the Jewish community).
  3. Private citizen information (statements about the number of family members and their addresses, lists of old and sick Jews that requested exemptions from forced labor and so on).
  4. There are also those the following documents of interest in the library: M.52 (101), (102), (103), M37/1653, M371577, M33/194, M37/20-29, O.32/71 (see below)
  5. There are also many private testimonies.


Additional details of selected microfilms and documents: