Pilzno, Poland
  Alternate names: Pilzne, Pilsno 49°58' 21°18'


My wife and I (briefly) visited Pilzno in 1990 with her father (a native of Jaslo) as our tour guide and translator. We stopped at the town hall and inquired about any municipal records and the location of the Jewish cemetery. As I expected, we were told (as we were told elsewhere) that at that time all vital records were kept by the respective religious authorities and that the Pilzno synagogues were completely destroyed during the war.

With their directions, we located a Jewish cemetery that (at least at that time) was completely overgrown with brush and 40+ year old trees. I was able to read a few gravestones but found none resembling “Dershowitz” or “Deresiewicz” or any of the various permutations. I did photograph a stone with the name “Polaner” on it that may have been a relative of a colleague of mine. (He and I are both anesthesiologists).