today OKOPY, Ukraine, 48°32' N, 26°24' E






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This site is hosted at no cost by Jewish Gen, Inc., the home of Jewish Genealogy. If you have been aided in your research by this site and wish to furthur our mission of perserving our history for future generations, your Jewish Gen-erosity is greatly appreciated.

Okopy is included in the Suchostaw Region Research Grop (SRRG). One should research the neighbouring area as well as an individual shtetl. The SRRG web site has resources and information that is relevant to many other shtetlach from the rea. To earn more about these neighbouring shtelach, please visit the Suchostaw Region Research Group (SRRG) web site.

please also visit Gesher Galicia

Ce site a été originalement créé dans le cadre du séminaire du CIRCE (Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherches Centre-Européennes): "Mémoires et Identités en Europe Centrale", dirigé par mesdames Delphine Bechtel (UFR d'études germaniques) et Luba Jurgenson (UFR d'études slaves) à l'Université de Paris 4 Sorbonne, 2009-2010. Rivka MOR S. (Moscisker).


This web site was originally created as part of the seminar "Memory and Identities in Central Europe", directed by Ms. Delphine Bechtel (Department of Germanic Studies) and Ms. Luba Jurgenson (Dept. of Slavic Studies), The Interdisciplinary Centre for Researches on Central-European (CIRCE), the University of Paris 4 Sorbonne (France).

(C) 2010 Rivka S. Moscisker

Last updated: September 2010