Lomnice, Czech Republic
Alternate names: Lomnitz 49°25' N 16°25' E

Notable Residents and Descendants

The Rabbis in Lomnice

In the year 1791 after a notification of Dr.H.Flesch-Kanitz was Juda Löb b.Salman ha Levi Rabbi in Lomnice. In the year 1791 we find in thePinax(?) of Lomnice an appeal to subscribe gifts for the Building of the temple; this appeal is is underwritten by him. Dr.Wachstein, Vienna, named a Josef Josef ha-Levi as Rabbinatsverweser in Brno in the year 1790, who had been later (already 1795) Rabbi in Lomnice.

In the manuscript of Zeisel there are the following Rabbis:

Josef Schreiber, borne in Leipnik.

Juda Schmidt, borne in Ivancice (Eibenschitz). His wife Nechomoh was the daughter of Moses ha-Kohen Karpeles, Rabbi in Boskovice( Boskowitz).

Of this marriage comes.
  1. The well-known Rabbi Dr.Abraham Schmiedl
  2. Josef (died)
  3. Fanny, married to the Rabbi of Loschitz Neuda, and
  4. Reizl.
Jakob Knedl, Rabbinatsverweser and Talmud-teacher, was his successor.

Chaim Altenstein, borne in Meserice (Meseritsch).

Dr.Simon Wolfsohn, borne 1839 in Thorn, was 1883-1885 Rabbi in Kanice (Kanitz), 1885-1887 in Mährisch Kromau and from 1887-1919 in Lomnice. He died in Brno, and he is buried there. After his death the Rabbinat was not occupied because of the destroing of the community and Dr.Max Grünfeld from Brno was ordered as Rabbinatsverweser. He has this duty till today.

Other Notable People

Through a lot of years Isak Schiller worked as a Mayor and as Kultusvorsteher Ignatz Skutetzki, Josef Fischer (1885-1895, Siegfried Zeisel, Elias Zeisel, Georg Deutsch. He had been followed by Max Zeisel, who had the duty of a Kultusvorsteher from 1913 till 1919; at this time he lives in Brno. After the overturn the political jewish community had been destroyed and the jews were closed to the Christian community. The next Kultusvorsteher was Moritz Libesny, who worked till the year 1926.

At the April 1st of this year Stabskapitän Hermann Grün was named for a representative of the authorithies with a dekret of the political departement.

This was a natural following of the whole destroying of this jewish community, too, which this community could also not escape.

In a short time the few families, still living in Lomknice, will be closed to the Jewish Kultusgemeinde (Community) by a decition af the Ministery.

But the people of Lomnice, living scattered all over the world, especially Brno and Vienna, are closed through a strong ribbon of identy, and every year they come back to the place where their ancestors lived and on the small romantic cemetery on the hill their last silent place found.