Doudleby nad Orlicí, Czech Republic
Alternate names: Doudleb, Daudleb, Daudleb an der Adler, Dautleb 50°06' N 16°16' E


  1. Jan Kopsa, "Okenko do Starych Doudleb" (A Peep-Hole into the Past of Doudleby), Doudleby, 1941.
  2. Jiri Fiedler, Jewish Sights in Bohemia, Fefer, Prague,1991.
  3. V. Kodousek, Monografie Doudleb, Prague, 1874-1877.
  4. Dr. Arno Parik, Jewish Monuments of the Eagle Mountains, Okresni muzeum Orlickych hor, Rychnov nad Kneznou, 1995.
  5. Hugo Gold (ed.), Die Juden und Judengemeinden Bohmens in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart (Judischer Buch-und Kunstverlag, runn-Prag, 1934).
  6. Jan Herman, Jewish Cemeteries in Bohemia and Moravia.
  7. Petr Ehl, Arno Parik, and Jiri Fiedler, Old Bohemian and Moravian Jewish Cemeteries (Prague, 1991).
  8. David Fanta,"Judith, eine Ghettogeschichte aus Daudleb" (Prague, 1875).
  9. Jahrbuch fur die Israel. Cultusgemeinden Bohmens (A yearbook for the Jewish Communities of Bohemia) 5654 - 1893/94 (Prag, 1893).
  10. Albert Kohn, Die Notablenoersammlung der Israeliten Bohmens in Prag, ihre Berathungen und Beschlusse (Vienna, 1852).
  11. G.J.Lasek, "Zidovska obec v Doudlebich - Obrazek kulturne-historicky" ("The Jewish Community in Doudleby: A Cultural and Historical Picture") Posel z Pohory No. 29 (19.7.1902) 1; No. 30 (26 July 1902) 1; No. 31 (2.8.1902) 1. (Presented to the local branch of the North-Bohemian National Unity in Vamberk in 16 Feb 1902).
  12. Arch. Leopold Ehrmann, "Synagogen", in: Die Judischen Denkmaler in der Tschechoslowakei (Prag, 1933) 5-18.
  13. Karel Kuca, A Mestecka v Cechach na Morave a ve Slezsku (1990s).
  14. Josef Cerny, Mlhava Obrazky Minulych veku z Doudleb, Vyhnanova a Prikaz (Prague, 1937).
  15. Rudolf Wlaschek, Zur Geschichte der Juden in Nordostbohmen (Marburg/Lahn, 1987).