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Searching JewishGen's “All Country” Databases

Instructions for KehilaLinks Webmasters

A search of one of JewishGen's “All Country Databases” searches through all of the relevant JewishGen databases — the JewishGen Family Finder (JGFF), JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR), the JewishGen Yizkor Book Necrology Database, as well as all other datasets which pertain to the focus country.

Below is the HTML code for creating a button on your webpage, to send a town name to one of JewishGen's “All Country Databases”.  You can cut and paste the section of code directly from the box on this page.

Make the following substitutions:

  • Substitute your town name every place you see “YourTown”.
  • Substitute your country name every place you see “Lithuania”, according to the parameter table at the bottom of this page.
You must use the modern spelling of the town name, without any accented characters.  Search the database manually before putting this code in your page, to make sure that the code works properly.

<H3>JewishGen Lithuania Database (for YourTown)</H3>

<P>Click the button to show all entries for YourTown in the
<A HREF="">
JewishGen Lithuania Database</A>.

<FORM Method="POST"

    <input TYPE="hidden" name="allcountry" VALUE="00lithuania">
    <input TYPE="hidden" name="srch1"  VALUE="YourTown">
    <input TYPE="hidden" name="srch1v" VALUE="T">
    <input TYPE="hidden" name="srch1t" VALUE="E">
    <input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search the JewishGen Lithuania Database">


Here is a live example of the above code, which creates a button that searches the “JewishGen Poland Database” for the town of "Tarnow":

Alternate/Multiple Town Names:

If you want the button to search for several alternate names of your town (e.g.: to search for all occurrences of either "Zalozce" or "Zaliztsi"), then use the following code:

<FORM Method="POST"

    <input TYPE="hidden" name="allcountry" VALUE="00ukraine">

    <input TYPE="hidden" name="srch1"  VALUE="TOWNNAME-1">
    <input TYPE="hidden" name="srch1v" VALUE="T">
    <input TYPE="hidden" name="srch1t" VALUE="E">

    <input TYPE="hidden" name="srch2"  VALUE="TOWNNAME-2">
    <input TYPE="hidden" name="srch2v" VALUE="T">
    <input TYPE="hidden" name="srch2t" VALUE="E">

    <input TYPE="hidden" name="SrchBOOL" VALUE="OR">

    <input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search the JewishGen Ukraine Database">


You can search for up to four alternate town names, using parameters srch1, srch2, srch3, and srch4, as above.

The spelling of the town name that is used in the JGFF must be listed first  (name="srch1").

JewishGen's “All Country Databases” — Parameter Table:

Countries "allcountry" Parameter Database URL Database Name
Austria, Czech Republic 00austriaczech JewishGen Austria-Czech Database
Belarus 00belarus JewishGen Belarus Database
Canada 00canada JewishGen Canada Database
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland 00scandinavia JewishGen Scandinavia Database
France, Belgium, Switzerland 00france JewishGen France Database
Germany 00germany JewishGen Germany Database
Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia 00hungary JewishGen Hungary Database
Latvia, Estonia 00latvia JewishGen Latvia Database
Lithuania 00lithuania JewishGen Lithuania Database
Poland 00poland JewishGen Poland Database
Romania, Moldova 00romania JewishGen Romania Database
Ukraine 00ukraine JewishGen Ukraine Database
United Kingdom 00uk JewishGen UK Database
United States 00usa JewishGen USA Database

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