Beitar letter, dated March 28, 1935,
explaining the documents and information required for
immigration to Palestine

A letter in Yiddish sent from the Immigration Section of “Brith Trumpeldor” (Beitar), in Warsaw, Poland, to the branch in Bielsk Podlaski, on original stationary and hand signed by Beitar Immigration section, explaining the documents and information required to apply for immigration to Palestine. Dated March 28, 1935. A translation of the body of the letter is provided below, courtesy of Mindy Crystel Gross.

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Translation of the body of the letter:

Tel-hai March 28, 1935


We hereby notify you that the Palestinian officials require that every immigrant present a confirmation from the magistrate that you are a craftsman. The needed trades are: electrician, electrical mechanic, ____________, mechanic, tanner, sock-maker, and others.

Therefore, immediately after receiving this letter you have to try to obtain such a confirmation of your card. We note, that the confirmation must come from the magistrate. All private confirmations are worthless.

We inform you that if we do not receive one of these confirmations between the 2nd of April until Tuesday of the following week, the Palestinian official will not issue your passport or the visa. (This is a requirement of the British Consulate) and your immigration will be deferred for an undetermined length of time.

We will advise you of the specific time of your immigration after we receive one of the above-mentioned documents.

Copyright © 2004 Andrew Blumberg

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