Janów: Book of Autographs - 1913 to 1920

Includes young people from Janów, Strusów, Tarnopol and Trembowla

Submitted by Florence Rodman Klevit

Florence Klevit writes:

At the age of 23, my mother, Pepi KORNBLAU RODMAN, left Yanov in July of 1920. She died in 1969, and I then found the autograph book among her possessions. She had never shown it to me, and I don't recall her ever speaking about any of her friends who wrote messages in the book.

Many of the autographs were written as early as 1913, and they seem to be farewell notes. I'm quite sure that my mother had no intention of leaving home at that time. I can't help but wonder whether the writers might have been preparing to leave and were saying goodbye or perhaps those autographs were written as my mother's schooling ended.

Because my mother saved the autograph book all of her life, I will always cherish it along with the memories of my mother.

Coordinator's notes:

Book of Autographs inside cover and first page.

A. L. Lusthaus....14 Sept. 1913


Arnold LUSTHAUS - 14 Sept. 1913

Simon KELHMAN / KELBMAN.[sp.?] - 8 Oct. 1913
Both surnames appear in shtetlach in the Janów area.

Simon KELHMAN / KELBMAN [sp.?] - 8 Oct. 1913
Both surnames appear in shtetlach in the Janów area.

Pepa SALITER [Saliterówna]

Pepa SALITER [Saliterówna]

J....? SASS
Strusów - 5 January,1914

B. HAKN / HAHEN? [Haknówna / Haknówna] ***
Strusów -.5 January, 1914

*** Both surnames are found in Strusów and neighbouring shtetlach

Salcia WEISSER [Weisserówa]
Trembowla - 5 January, 1914

Salcia WEISSER [Weisserówa]
Trembowla - 5 January, 1914

Trembowla - 5 January, 1914

Trembowla. 5 January 1914

Laura WEISSER [Weisserówna]
Trembowla. 5 January 1914

Laura WEISSER [Weisserówna]
Trembowla. 5 January 1914

Laura WEISSER [Weisserówna]
Trembowla - 5 Jan. 1914

Salcia WEISSER [Weisserówna]
Trembowla - 5 Jan. 1914

Salcia WEISSER [Weisserówa]
Trembowla. 5 January 1914

Translation of previous image

Ema WEISSER [Weisserówna]
Trembowla - 6 Jan. 1914

Frudzia FUCHS [Fuchsówna]
Janów - 4 May 1914

Tarnopol - 5 May 1914

Helena SANDBERG [Sandbergszanka]

.15 June 1914

Helena GELBER  [Gelberówna]
Tarnopol, 24 Dec. 1917

Helena GELBER  [Gelberówna]
Tarnopol, 24 Dec. 1917

6 Nov. 1917

6 Nov. 1917

A. Lusthaus.
3 Jan. 1918

A. Lusthaus

A. Lusthaus
Janów, 3 Jan. 1918


Tosia ?
Janów, 5 May 1920

New York, 25 Sept. 1920

Florence Rodman Klevit writes: " Harry and Sophie Bienstock were brother and sister. They were my mother's first cousins. I'm not sure if they were also from Janów"

15 Jan. 1922

Florence Klevit writes: " Harry and Sophie Bienstock were brother and sister. They were my mother's first cousins. I'm not sure if they were also from Janów"

Atlantic City, 6 Aug. 1927

Florence Rodman Klevit writes: " This was my beloved Aunt Martha.
Martha Weich was born in Janów. Martha married Morris Kornblau in 1928

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