Organizations from Jagielnica, Ukraine

Photo Collection and Research:  Avi Schneebaum (Reinmann)
Translated from Hebrew:  Pnina Tadmor (Reinmann)

Note:  We have made every effort to corroborate identifications, spellings and facts.  We apologize for any errors you may find and request that  you notify us about them.  Question marks indicate doubt on identifications.

If you can identify any of the people in these photos whose names are missing please contact Susana Leistner Bloch.

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Chevra Kadisha (?) - At the Cemetary Gate (Jagielnica, early 1920's)

Original: From abroad, through Shimke Finkelman, held by Clara Lepel, Haifa, Rabbi Rosenzweig's granddaughter.

From left to right: 
1. --
2. Chaim Shulem Weissman ?
3. Leibik Mozer ??
4. --
5. --
6. --
7. Rabbi Nathan Eliezer (Nussi) Rosenzweig
8. a boy
9. Fishel Weinstock
10. --
11. Moishe Punchek-Fishbach
12. --
13. --
14. -


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Soup Kitchen for Children (Jagielnica in the second half of the 1930s). (Located on the ground floor of the school).

Functionaries of the Soup Kitchen Committee and children).

Original: Frieda Fishbach-Volkowitz-Shtrang
Identification: By Avraham Morgenstern, Frieda Schtrang.

1st Row - Bottom, R to L:
1. Srulik -
2. Yente Zommer
3. --
4. -- Vagner
5. Chaim Charne's (Charne's Chaim)
6. --
7. --
8. Bracha -
9. Avraham -

2nd Row from the bottom, R to L:
1. Moshe Schwartz
2. Avraham Morgenstern
3. Chava Morgenstern (Avraham Morgenstern's sister)
4. Bracha Krentzler
5. --
6. Chaya Fuchs
7. --
8. --

3rd Row from the bottom, R to L:
1. --
2. Itzik Krentzler
3. --
4. --
5. -
At the top, in the back: two of the functionaries of the Soup Kitchen Committee:
On the right: Riven Volkowitz-Fishbach (Frieda and Shlomo's father)
On the left: Lipa Zommerman
(The third committee member who does not appear in the photograph was Herman Price, the pharmacist).


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Peretz Farein (Y.L Peretz Association, Yiddishists) (Jagielnica, July 1932).

Original: Yankele Katz, of blessed memory, from Bat Yam
Identification: Avraham Morgenstern, Yavne

Inscription on the back of the original photograph: (translated from Yiddish): "Peretz Association from Jagielnica during the years 1928-1932, Yiddishists, club for workers and working youths, during those days in Jagielnica, more than 50 years ago. December, 1981, Zimmel Aran"

In the last row - third L to R: Yossef Morgenstern
Fourth L to R: Hersh Morgenstern (his wife's name: Teper)
(their brother, Avraham Morgenstern, from Yavne).



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