In 2008, Daniella Torsh and Michael Gordy initiated a project to photograph and document the Strážnice Jewish Cemetery for submission to the
JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR). We covered a quarter of the cemetery in that first round, and then another quarter in a second round in 2010, and finally finished the project in the summer of 2016. Most of the Hebrew stones have been translated by Sara Mages, Gilberto Jugend, and other volunteers of the JOWBR project. For more information:
In 2009, Jaroslav Klenovský organized the re-erection of 90 fallen stones. This was financed by Czech Ministry of Culture, the town of Strážnice and the Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic. A project for the restoration and conservation
of the oldest stones began in 2011.