Alan R. Ludmer, U.S.A.

part 2: Overview



Context is critical to understanding history.  It’s said that the beating of a butterfly's wings in Kansas can cause a typhoon in China. Accordingly, I’ve tried to present an overview of the social, economic, and political events which helped shape the Fuchs' lives. Although, they were most likely unaware of these outside forces, these events impacted them enormously. No one lives in a vacuum.  

Family ancestors probably immigrated to Lithuania as part of the general late middle ages Jewish emigration from economic and political anti-Semitism in Western Europe.  The Poles who ruled the greater Baltic area encouraged Jewish emigration to stimulate economic growth by forming a controllable middle/merchant class.  Why the Jews? Jewish religious law mandates all male children be educated so that can participate in religious observance.  This literacy made Jews economically useful to many local rulers.

to part 3

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