Welcome to Lipany, Slovakia!

~ Héthárs, Hungary ~

(also known as ~ Siebenlinden, Lipjany, Lipiany, Septem Tiliis)


(Latitude 49°09´, Longitude 20°58´)

188.7 miles ENE of Bratislava


The "entire" Jewish cemetery has been photographed!!

~ Click Here ~




 “Central Database of Shoah Victim Names”


This database went online on Nov. 22, 2004 and there are 530 Holocaust victims associated with Lipany  (some names may be repeated)


~ Click Here for Lipany  Names ~

~ Click Here To Do Your Own Search ~                  



Maps ~



Radix - 1882 Gazetteer of Hungary
Based mainly on the national census of 1880, a new gazetteer of Hungary came out in 1882.
[English translation of bibliographical data: Gazetteer of the countries of the Hungarian Crown / under the auspices of the Hungarian National Royal Statistical Office ed. by Mihály Kollerffy, József Jekelfalussy. - Budapest : Athenaeum, 1882. - 142, [2] p., 1292 col., xxx p., [1] t.]

Sáros megye (County)
Felsõ-tárcai járás (District)
Székhely (Seat): Kis-Szeben
Bajorvágás, Balázsvágás, Berzevice, Bodónlaka, Csipkés, Csircs, Daróc, Décsõ, Dobó, Feketekút, Gromos, Hajtufka, Hamborg, Harcsár-Lucska, Héthárs, Hönigh, Magyar-Jakabfalu, Jakoris, Jesztreb, Kijó, Kriván, Lagnó, Litinye, Kis-Lipnik, Lubotin, Matiszova, Ardó-Nyárs, Obrucsnó, Olejnok, Orkuta, Olysó, Orló, Palacha és Gyurkó, Péchujfalu, Plavnica, Polom, Pusztamezõ, Rencsisó, Roskovány, Schönviz, Som, Stelbach, Alsó-Szalok, Sztarina, Sáros-Szulin, Tárca, Tárkeõ, Toltsemes, Ujak, Ujszfalu, Usz-Peklén, Usz-Salgó, Viszoka, Jakab-Volya, Orosz-Volya, Vörösalma



Town History ~


LIPIANY (Hung.Héthárs) Slovakia, Czechoslovakia, today Republic of Slovakia.  Jews probably arrived in the early 18th century.  In 1848, they numbered about 130 and in 1859 they erected a wooden synagogue.  In the early 20th century, a beit midrash with a talmud torah was opened and a yeshiva operated intermittently as the Jewish population maintained a level of about 300 (20% of the total) until WWII.  Hermann Kopp initiated Zionist activity in 1900 and was one of the founders of Mizrachi.  Zionist activity expanded after WWI, with WIZO, Hashomer Hatzair, and Betar all active.  A new synagogue was consecrated in 1929.  Jews owned 38 commercial establishments, a sawmill, distillery, and dairy.  In 1941, the Slovakian authorities closed down Jewish-owned businesses and seized their owners for forced labor.  About 55 young Jewish men and women were deported to Majdanek and Auschwitz, respectively, in late March 1942.  About 300 Jews from L. and its environs were deported to the Rejowiec ghetto in the Lublin district of Poland on 22 May.


Source:  The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the Holocaust Shmuel Spector (editor) & Geoffrey Wigoder (Consulting Editor), Yad Vashem, Jerusalem [2001] 0-8147-9356-8



Jews first arrived in Lipany in the early 18th century. By 1848, 130 Jews lived in the town and, in 1859, the community built its first synagogue. In the early 20th century, a Beit Midrash and a Talmud Torah were established. After World War I, Zionist activities and organizations began to thrive in the town. In 1929, a new, larger synagogue was consecrated. In March,1942, nearly 400 Jews from Lipany were transported to various Polish ghettos and concentration camps. There exists a cemetery from the 19th-20th century, incorporating 100-500 tombstones.

Source: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/vjw/slovakia.htm

Lipany is located northwest of Sabinov.  The first mention of this little town situated in the Saris valley at the confluence of Lipany Brook and the Torysa River occurred in 1312. Germans settled in the area at the end of the 13th Century. At the beginning of the 15th Century, Lipany was considered a servitude village(oppidum) belonging to the gentry - Kamenica.


Today, Lipany is in the kraj (administrative region) of Preshovský(Presov) and the okre (zone/district) of Sabinov.

In 2002, Lipany had a population of 6,100.



Town Name ~


The settlement was called Seven Linden Trees (Septem Tiliis) in the oldest document (1312). Its coat of arms reflect this.



Photos ~



Synagogue ~







Synagoga v Lipanoch

Source: Bárkány-Dojc, Zidovské nábozenské obce na Slovensku [The Jewish Religious
Communities in Slovakia] (Bratislava 1991) page 348






Holocaust Database ~


This JewishGen Database is a compilation of 54 databases and includes information from Yad Vashem and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.  It is a work in progress with additional lists being added, as the data is transcribed. The people listed below resided in Héthárs/Lipany at some point.  Not all people in this database perished in the Holocaust, and additional information appears for each individual on the database itself.  If you recognize a name, please go to: http://www.jewishgen.org/databases/Holocaust


DOUBRAVA, Anton - Dachau Concentration Camp Records

GOLDBERGERLenke - Dachau Concentration Camp Records

MOSKOVITSOVA, Marie – Czech Women in Hospitals

STEINMETZNudi - Pinkas HaNitzolim I - Register of Jewish Survivors


Those who perished at Auschwitz

Mosaisch = Jewish

Katholisch = Catholic

wyznanie: = religion

miejsce urodzenia = Place of Birth

miejsce zamieszkania = Place of Residence




1.      Baumöhl, Moritz
(1895-06-16 ÷ 1943-01-14)
miejsce urodzenia: Lipiany, miejsce zamieszkania: Preœov, wyznanie: mosaisch

2.      Groszwirth, Moric
(1896-09-24 ÷ 1942-08-12)
miejsce urodzenia: Lipiany, miejsce zamieszkania: Preœov, wyznanie: mosaisch

3.      Mandl, Alexander
(1916-09-09 ÷ 1943-03-22)
miejsce urodzenia: Lipiany, miejsce zamieszkania: Prag XI, wyznanie: mosaisch

4.      Mandl, Artur
(1924-01-09 ÷ 1942-07-04)
miejsce urodzenia: Lipiany, miejsce zamieszkania: Poprad, wyznanie: mosaisch

5.      Neid, Jakob
(1897-08-26 ÷ 1942-05-30)
miejsce urodzenia: Lipiany, miejsce zamieszkania: Sarisske Suky, wyznanie: mosaisch

6.      Peterfreund, Artur
(1922-05-24 ÷ 1942-05-29)
miejsce urodzenia: Lipiany, miejsce zamieszkania: Lipiany, wyznanie: mosaisch

7.      Peterfreund, Heinrich
(1915-01-02 ÷ 1942-06-28)
miejsce urodzenia: Lipiany, miejsce zamieszkania: Lipiany, wyznanie: mosaisch

8.      Rosenberg, Moritz
(1893-11-13 ÷ 1942-09-09)
miejsce urodzenia: Lipiany, miejsce zamieszkania: Preßburg, wyznanie: mosaisch

9.      Roth, Samuel
(1914-09-27 ÷ 1942-06-08)
miejsce urodzenia: Lipiany, miejsce zamieszkania: Kalsa, wyznanie: mosaisch

  1. Stark, Blanka
    (1920-12-28 ÷ 1942-09-20)
    miejsce urodzenia: Lipiany, miejsce zamieszkania: Lipiany, wyznanie: mosaisch
  2. Vogel, Helene
    (1920-11-12 ÷ 1942-09-27)
    miejsce urodzenia: Lipiany, miejsce zamieszkania: Lipiany, wyznanie: mosaisch
  3.  Zieba, Feliks
    (1903-08-05 ÷ 1943-10-07)
    miejsce urodzenia: Lipianka, miejsce zamieszkania: Lipianka, wyznanie: katholisch


Cemetery ~


     Nahrobne kamene v Lipanoch

LIPANY: (Lipjany) US Commission No. SLCE000048
Lipany is located NW of Presov. The cemetery is about 2 km into the forest, with traces of a stone wall, but no tombstones. They were used to construct a RR line. The flat urban isolated location has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all via a broken masonry wall without gate. 100-500 19th-20th century marble and sandstone flat shaped tombstones and flat stones with carved relief decoration with Hebrew and German inscriptions are in original locations. The property is used for a garden. Adjacent properties are residential. Occasionally, private visitors stop. Vegetation was cleared. Now, individuals clean or clean occasionally. Security, vandalism and weather are minor threats.


 The "entire" cemetery has been photographed!! - Click Here!

(All 145 gravestones are online!)




To see more panoramic views of the cemetery – Click here!

Documents/ Databases  ~

“The 1828 Hungarian Property Tax Census Database”



“1869 Saros Census” – Jewish Records are on microfilm and can be ordered from a Mormon Family History Center.

Lipany- Héthárs is located with several other towns on FHC microfilm roll # 2150626 Item #1







By going to the links below, you can see the actual Birth, Marriage, Death entries from the original vital record books.

This information is from microfilm which has now been placed online at the Family Search website. 

These records are not on a searchable database at this time. So, searching the images can be both rewarding yet, tedious.

Most are Héthárs[Lipany] Records, but one link is from the nearby town of Kis-Szeben.



Slovakia, Church and Synagogue Books, 1592-1910

Jewish (Židovská obec) Sabinov

Births, marriages, deaths (Narodenia, manželstvá, úmrtia) 1873-1885 (Inv. Č. 1057) 48 images w/ many entries on each image (or page)



Slovakia, Church and Synagogue Books, 1592-1910

Jewish (Židovská obec) Sabinov

Births (Narodenia) 1886-1906 (Inv. Č. 1061) 71 images



Slovakia, Church and Synagogue Books, 1592-1910

Jewish (Židovská obec) Sabinov

Deaths (Úmrtia) 1886-1903 (Inv. Č. 1065) 27 images



Births, marriages, deaths, copies of births (Narodenia, manželstvá, úmrtia, kopie narodených) 1860-1895 (Inv. Č. 1068) 164 images












Birth Register

Szuletesi anyakonyv


Name of the newborn

Az ujazulott neve

Name des Neugeborenen

Date of birth

A szuletes kelte

Datum der Geburt

Year and month

Jahr u. Monat














Status of the Newborn









Parents of the newborn

Az ujazulott Szulei

Eltern des Neugebornen

Name and birthplace of the father

Name und Gebortsort des Vaters


Name and birthplace of the mother

Name und Gebortsort der Mutter


Residence of parents and birthplace of the child

A szulok lakasa es a gyermek szuletesi helye

Wohnort der Eltern und Geburtsort des Kindes

Name of the midwife

A baba neve

Name der Hebamme

For Boys


Bei Knaben

Day of circumcision

Tag der Beschneidung


Name of the circumsizer

Durch wen beschnitten


For Girls


Bei Madchen

The naming day

Tag der Namen-Ertheilung



A koma vagy tanuk nevei

Name der Bathen oder der Zeugen









Alpha List of Surnames within the 48 images in 1st link above only


I compiled some surnames. Although surnames may vary in spelling, they may be from the same family.










Ellis Island: Immigrants from Héthárs, Hungary/Lipany, Slovakia (1892-1924)


(List of Jewish immigrants has been deleted due to copyright restrictions of the Ellis Island Foundation.)


Surnames include:  Friedmann, Gottlieb, Herbach, Krischer, Linker, Moskovic, Reibscheid, Rosenberg, Schmidthammer, Vogel, and Wald


(to locate someone go to the Steve Morse Website at: http://stevemorse.org/)


Be aware that the town name may appear as: Héthárs, Lipany, Lipiany, Lipjany, Hetasz, Hethais, Kethars, and/or Hetharz


(Some of the above spelling variations are due to transcription errors.)







Héthárs /Lipany Family Trees”

(to add your family information contact webmaster)


Herbach/Birnbaum(Birenbaum) Family Genealogy








Aron Herbach (son of Abraham Eliezer and Bascha Herbach) and Dina Beshel Schneier Birnbaum

(daughter of Abraham Schneier and Liebe Chana Birenbaum) both came from Nowy Sacz, Poland. 


They were married in Héthárs, Hungary, on June 3, 1883, and began their family.  


They were not the only Birnbaum/Herbachs drawn to this town, so it appears that the midwife’s income

was assured for many years to come.








Aron HERBACH and Dena BIRNBAUM were both born in Nowy Sacz, Poland. Their 12 children were all born in Hethars, Hungary(now, Lipany, Slovakia): (in birth order) Morris "Mozes, Sam "Zalmon" (my grandfather), Max "Mano", Sarah, Regina (Rivka) "Rebeka", Fani, Abe "Adolf", Louis "Naczi", Lillian, Seymour "Zsiga", Joseph “Jozsef",

& Jack "Jakab".


The children began leaving for New York one at a time beginning in 1901 with my grandfather,Sam, age 15 and by the summer of 1920 the entire clan had finally arrived. 


On that last trip, there were 11 passengers. Aron and Dina brought their youngest 3 sons; and their daughter, Regina; her husband, Irving Singer & their 1ST child, Rose. Also, Regina (niece), daughter of Markus(Mordecai)HEBACH & Henne(Chane) WASSERMAN; her husband, Herman WERNER; and their 9 month old son, Julin.


There were many Herbach and Birnbaums born in Héthárs, but I am unable to determine all of their relationships to my family.  Contact me at: seraph@dc.rr.com


Researching the following surnames: HERBACH /BIRNBAUM / BIRENBAUM/SCHNEIER / LAWNER / KORNFELD from (Héthárs, Hungary) Lipany, Slovakia; Nowy Sacz, Poland, and Ukraine ~ RAFF / SICHERMAN / FISH/FISCH / MEISNER/ KATZ / GRUNSPANN/GREENSPAN / EICHNER / ZWICK / HILLER from Zmigród Nowy / Bukowsko / Dukla / Dynow / Korczyna, Poland 






This space is reserved for your family tree!  Just let me know!



Other Relevant Links ~


·       Slovak Jewish Heritage

·       A Virtual Jewish History Tour - Slovakia

·       Guide to Hungarian Research

·       Vital Record Translation ~ English/Hungarian/Latin/Slovak

·       Jewish Slovakia

·       Jews in Slovakia

·       RadixIndex Hungarian Genealogy Source "Industry and Trade Directory of Hungary in 1891"

·       Memorial Museum of Hungarian Speaking Jewry [website can be read in English, Hebrew or Hungarian]

·       Synagogues in Slovakia [click on ‘Eastern European Synagogues’ and go to ‘Slovakia’]

·       Diane’s Hungarian Genealogy Word List

·       English-Hungarian/Hungarian-English Online Dictionary

·       Cyndi’s List – Jewish


And don't neglect the wonderful treasures at JewishGen ~


Comments?/Questions? (send an e-mail)

Compiled by Deborah Raff
Lovingly Updated 13 January 2014
Copyright © 2002 Deborah Raff

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