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Photo © 2010

Compiled by
Joy Kestenbaum
Copyright © 2016
Joy Kestenbaum


Photo courtesy Betty Amara
© Betty Amara

Memorial Plaque:
Chamber of the Holocaust
מרתף השואה
(Martef HaShoa)
Mount Zion - Jerusalem

The Chamber of the Holocaust was founded on Mount Zion in 1949 with the new State of Israel by the Director General-Ministry of Religion and the support of Holocaust survivors. It was the earliest known Holocaust memorial. A symbolic cemetery for the victims of the Shoah, as well as precursor to Yad Vashem's Valley of the Communities, the Chamber of the Holocaust features tombstone-like plaques memorializing more than 1,300 communities destroyed during the Holocaust.

Translations of Hebrew Inscription
Souvenir Eternel
au Mont Zion Jérusalem
Stele [pierre tombale] [erigée]
pour les âmes saintes et pures de notre ville
et des environs (department de Przemysl - Galicie)

[a la memoire des] vieux, jeunes, femmes et enfants
és, brulés et qui on peri
 pour la sanctification de Dieu [Kiddush Hashem]
 par les forces arm
ées nazies et leur accolytes,
que leur nom soit maudit,
pendant la Shoah 16/09/1939 - 1945
Que leur souvenir beni soit conserv
é parmi nous a jamais
May their souls be bound on the bundle of life

Jour du yahrzeit : jeun de Gedalia
Par les originaires de KRIFTSCH
et des environs en Israel et en diaspora

Eternal Memory
on Mount Zion, Jerusalem
Memorial stone  [gravestone]
for the souls of the saints and the righteous of our city
and its surroundings (Przemysl District of Galicia)
[to the memory of the] old, young women and children
murdered, burned and who perished
for the santification of the Name [Kiddush Hashem]
at the hands of the Nazi troops and their collaborators,
that their names be obliterated ["Y.S."]
during the Shoah 16/09/1939 - 1945.
Their Sacred memory will remain in our hearts forever.
May their souls be bound on the bundle of life
Memorial day: 3rd Tishrei [Fast of Gedalia]

[Dedicated] By natives [survivors] of KRIFTSCH and
its surroundings in Israel and in the Diaspora

French translation by Betty Amara

See List of Krzywcza Shoah victims extracted from

Yad Vashem's

The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names


United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's
Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database


For Holocaust-related documents for Krzywcza natives, click here.


See JewishGen's Holocaust Database


"In September 1939, the Nazis murdered 14 Jews in the forest on the Krzywicka Mountain. In October 1939, they murdered other Jews. In May 1943, 11 Jews from Krzywcza and Kończuga were shot dead at the local Jewish cemetery. The remaining Jews were taken to the ghetto in Przemyśl (according to 'The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the Holocaust,' the transport to the German concentration camp in Bełżec was in July 1942; most likely not all of the Jews were transported there. [We know that some were sent to Auschwitz.] In nearby Bachów, the Nazis murdered the Leidner family, eight persons in total. Their bodies were buried at the execution site."

See History: Krzywcza - from Virtual Shtetl. "Krzywcza," The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the Holocaust, S. Spector, G. Wigoder (eds.), Jerusalem: Yad Vashem; New York:New York University Press, Vol. 2, (2001), 686.

Please contact Joy Kestenbaum for comments or contributions.


Compiled by Joy Kestenbaum (
Last updated November 2016
Copyright © 2016 Joy Kestenbaum

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