kalvarija  pre 1939 postcards
Click on image to enlarge 

View of Town ca.1916


View of Town ca. 1916


Street Scene with Russian Orthodox Church ca.1916


Street Scene ca.1916


Total View of Town ca.1916

On the Street  ca.1916
View of Catholic and Protestant Churches ca 1916

Military Hospital ca.1916

These postcards were donated by Steve Aronson .
Steve recently visited Kalvarija and a summary of his visit and recent photos will be added soon!
These  are part of the Huge collection of Tomek Wisniewski
Gallery: AFO & Kresy-Siberia Photo Album  Album: "Alfabet Polski - Polish Alphabet"
 Poland Photos & Maps pre 1945  Album: Poland Photos & Maps pre-1939 "Kresy" Eastern Provinces
Album: Pre-1939 Kowno Lithuania (now Lithuania)
And Many More
Also see Tomek's photographical Holocauste Memorial.