google group news

December 12 2008

This past month I was contacted by Ralph Salinger who is researching the shtetl Vilkaviskis which is quite near Kalvarija. You can read about his project there and his plans to do a similar project this summer in Kalvarija. Since the two towns are near each other it is reasonable to presume that there would be family connections between the two towns. Ralph has set up a page for this project and also took it upon himself to make a database of all the victims from Yad V'Shem database. There are also images that he took when he visited this past summer as well as some from a
that was made by High School students.

In November 2005 I started a Google Group called Kalvarija researchers. We are now 71 members. I hope with these new developments there will be more action and communication. Since records are almost non-existant it is important that we pool our efforts. If you are interested in being added to the mailing list of this group contact me. Don't forget to change the at to @!!!!

October 11 2009

Ralph Salinger has returned from his trip to Lithuania. We are waiting to see the results of his efforts. He succesfully cleaned and photographed 80 stones with the help of students from the local school.  An article was written up in the local newspaper including some nice images.

Here are the final links to all the work on this project   Introduction    Images page one    Images page two    Inscription Translations


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