Izyaslav Family Page
JewishGen Kehilalinks

Izyaslav, Ukraine

Изяслав, Yкраïна

Yiddish name - Zaslov

ZASLAV Surnames and Photos

    LANDY, GINSBERG, immigrated 1898-1914

Moishe and Kroina Kaplun and family, including their names, Izyaslav, 1931 (above)

Spector-Weinstein Family from Izyaslav (above)

To be inclusive, we contacted all of the Izyaslav researchers with an e-mail address listed in JGFF (Jewish Genealogy Family Finder (as of 15 April, 2013). We asked each person contacted for family photographs or anything else to make the Izyaslav shtetl web pages in JewishGen's KehilaLinks more interesting for all current and future researchers. Each contributor will be asked to include their name and email addresses with their contributions. Our sincere appreciation is expressed to all who have responded thus far.

If you have any family stories, family trees or photos you would like to contribute, please contact me.

If you have any questions regarding this site, or have some information or suggestions, please contact Barry Sieger. Or if you have any original vital records from Izyaslav in Russian - birth, death or marriage certificates - please let me know or send me an example of each, so we can post some of them as examples on this web site. We would like to include family trees of Izyaslav descendants, photos and stories from visits there, or tips regarding searching for related genealogical information.

This page is hosted at no cost to the public by JewishGen, Inc., a non-profit corporation. If it has been useful to you, or if you are moved by the effort to preserve the memory of our lost communities, your JewishGen-erosity would be deeply appreciated.

Compiled & Designed by Barry Sieger

Updated April 24, 2013

Copyright © 2013 Barry Sieger


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