

The Schor/Sonnenblum Family

Wedding photo of Gorodenka landsmen
Samuel Schor and Taube (Tillie) Sonnenblum

 Married June 5, 1909, New York City. They were introduced to each other in America as former neighbors from the Old Country. Sam's parents were Itzhak Meyer Stupp and Frima Schor of Gorodenka. Tillie's parents, Iser Anschel Sonnenblum and Chana Brana Kofler, lived in the tiny village of Potochishche, on the outskirts of Gorodenka. Sam was a life-long waiter in New York City and an active member of the First Horodenker Sick and Benevolent Society. The couple had seven children, six girls and one boy. Both Sam and Tillie are buried among fellow landsmen in Clifton, N.J.


Father and son in Gorodenka (circa 1937)

 Iser Anschel Sonnenblum poses with his oldest son Beryl (the young boy is unidentified). Both men resided in the tiny village of Potochishche, located on the periphery of Gorodenka. Anschel likely died before the outbreak of WWII. Beryl and his three children all perished in the Holocaust. They are listed in the necrology of Gorodenka's yizkor book. Three of Beryl's siblings emigrated to the United States 1905-1908. In the decades that followed, three more of his siblings migrated to Argentina. Beryl refused to leave his birth shtetl for fear that he would not be able to lead a religious life in the Americas. There may have been other Sonnenblum siblings who remained in Gorodenka and died in the Holocaust.

Photos and captions provided by Deborah Dworski.

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