Boćki, Poland  בוצקי  פולין
Alternate names: Boćki [Pol], Bodki [Yid], Bochki [Rus], Bozki, Boczki 52°39' N, 23°03' E


The cover of the book 'Botchki'
Bocki landsmanshaft constitution Bocki landsmanshaft constitution Bocki landsmanshaft constitution Bocki landsmanshaft constitution Bocki landsmanshaft constitution Bocki landsmanshaft constitution Bocki landsmanshaft constitution Bocki landsmanshaft constitution
The cover of the book 'Botchki'
"Botchki, when doomsday was still tomorrow" was written by David Zagier. David, 1908-1998)
was born in Bocki and left it at the age of 20. The book describes life in the shtetl and some of
the people who lived there. It was published on 2001, and can be bought on the web. I bought a
copy in Amazon.